Steemit Engagement Challenge-S14W1 | Share your thoughts about word "Fashion"

in Steem Fashion&Style8 months ago

Greetings to everyone! My name is Oluwatimileyin, and I warmly welcome you to the engagement challenge season 14 week 1.


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I am delighted to share my thought with you about the word "FASHION"

What is fashion in your words?

Fashion is like a language we speak through our the way we dress, it's a very silent communication and powerful expression of our identity and personality. It shows the way we are to be communicated and connected.

Do you agree with 'fashion stimulates our self-confidence?'

fashion stimulates our self-confidence

Yes, I agree to that, it plays an important role in boosting our self-esteem. Our fashion should reflects how we should also see ourselves and also how we want others to see us. A well-chosen outfit especially for a certain occasion can improve our mood, make us flow along with other members and give us a sense of empowerment, boosting our self-confidence.

Do you think fashion matters to our success?



The link between fashion and success is indisputable. Success on the other side is a multifaceted concept that contains more than one's physical appearance, the role of fashion in influencing how we are perceived cannot be overstated. There's a statement that says “first impression matters” our clothing has a significant impact on that perception we are trying to prove. Dressing professionally also convey competence, attention to detail, and respect- all of these are traits associated with success.

Write reasons why fashion is important or why fashion isn’t important to our lives?"

Fashion is important to our success because it represents our professionalism and adaptability visually. Individuals who present themselves well in various professional settings are more likely to be taken seriously and considered for opportunities. The right outfit can serve as a silent endorsement of our abilities, allowing us to navigate the complex web of societal and professional expectations.

Nevertheless, some may argue that skills, knowledge and character are far more important than appearances. Well this is also valid, but we should also note that fashion is meant to complement rather than replace substance. A well-dressed person with experience and integrity is a potent combination that can open doors.



Fashion has various entity that inpact our confidence and contributes to our success. Its a tool for self-expression and also ameans of communicating our identity to the world. Also it is necessary to recognise that fashion, when practised authentically, is a form of self-expression that can coexist with substance.

In conclusion,

it is critical to not to prioritise style over substance, understanding the impact of fashion on our perception and confidence enables us to capitalise on its potential for personal and professional growth. Adopting fashion as a form of empowerment can result in a harmonious balance in which authenticity and substance merge with the visual language we present to the world.

Thanks for reading to the end, it’s so amazing and feel so good sharing this here with you. I would love to invite @badmus-official, @ruthjoe and @lhorgic to join this contest



This post has been supported through the account Steemcurator06 for containing good quality content.

Curated by : @sduttaskitchen

fashion can play a role in stimulating self-confidence for some individuals, it is crucial to foster a holistic understanding of self-confidence that encompasses various aspects of an individual's identity and self-worth.

Best wishes

 8 months ago 

Thanks for coming by

 8 months ago 

Hello friend greetings to you. Hope you are doing well and good.

Fashion plays an important role in self-esteem of an individual. You are of the view that fashion also can give us success. Your post is amazing dear. It's nice to be here.

Best wishes for the contest dear.

 8 months ago 

Thanks… really appreciate

 8 months ago 

Hola @negro-bby muy bien explicada tu pulicación.
Quiero agregar que la moda es como el idioma de la ropa, nos permite expresar nuestra identidad sin palabras. Es una herramienta poderosa que influye en cómo nos vemos y cómo nos perciben los demás. Estoy totalmente de acuerdo en que la moda impulsa nuestra confianza. Cuando elegimos atuendos que nos hacen sentir bien, eleva nuestra autoestima y nos da una sensación de poder. La ropa adecuada puede cambiar nuestro estado de ánimo, hacernos sentir parte de un grupo y darnos esa chispa de seguridad en nosotros mismos. Es una forma de comunicación sin palabras que puede fortalecer nuestra confianza en quiénes somos.
Gracias y mucho éxito en el concurso.

 8 months ago 

thanks… I appreciate

A well-chosen outfit especially for a certain occasion can improve our mood,

Yes, very true. Dressing beautiful for an occasion or event can boost one's confidence and trigger an exciting and friendly mood

 8 months ago 

Exactly…thanks for coming by

 8 months ago 

You are definitely correct fashion is a language we speak through the way we dress, indeed it shows the way we are to be connected to people around us.
Indeed fashion boost our self confidence and I am a living testimony of it.

The way you dress that is how you will be address so fashion somehow play a role in our success because people will be attracted to us when we dress well, a ell dress person have an advantage over a person that is not dres well because they will see you as a serious and responsible person when you dress well to a job interview.

I really enjoyed reading your entry my friend and I wish you success 🙏

 8 months ago 

I'm glad you enjoyed reading through… thanks for visiting

 8 months ago 

My pleasure 🤗🥰

 8 months ago 


Estoy de acuerdo contigo, la moda es un tipo de lenguaje, la forma en como vestimos puede mostrar tanto mucho como somos y nuestra personalidad, o muy poco también, no siempre somos como nos vestimos.

Es importante para nosotros como personas vestir bien, aún así hay personas que se preocupan demasiado por esto y se olvidan de cosas más importantes. Éxitos en el concurso.

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