Steemit Engagement Challenge-S14W5 | Summer Season vs Winter Season |

Greeting to all friends

Assalamu Alaikum, how are you, I hope you will be well, may Allah keep you well, it is very good, every contest is very amazing.And there is a lot to learn and a lot to tell in the contest. I am very thankful to @steemitblog who organized this contest.I feel very good to participate in this contest Steemit Engagement Challenge-S14W5.

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Summer Season vs Winter Season, which one is your favorite season & why?

All the seasons are made by Allah, we can't say bad things to anyone but I like the winter season a lot.This season is better than summer in this season we can reduce our cold and enjoy.Apart from this, when the summer season come it also brings heat with great intensity. And it is winter season and the winter season also brings cold with great intensity. In our Pakistan, every season seems very beautiful and pleasant the heat also seems very intense and the cold too but I like the winter season a lot no matter how intense it is.

In addition to this, the winter season is going on today, which is my favorite season, and the temperature of the winter season is very high.It was so cold in the morning that the person could not even go out for a while, and the fog was also very high.Sunlight in winters is considered a bonus because sun exposure is also very important, it is very beneficial for our body, it provides vitamin D, so I like winters either way, I like it even when the sun is out. And he likes it even when there is no sun, but the winters are very good. In this, a person can enjoy the cold by covering himself, but no matter how much he covers the heat, he still feels hot.


Tell us about the advantages of both seasons or your favorite season.

summer season advantages

  • Summer season is also very beneficial for us, its biggest advantage is that in summer, the days are long and the nights are short, so we can do the work well during the day and relax at night.

  • Apart from this, in summer we do not feel hungry and that is good for our health, we eat very little food during the day and mostly eat fruits etc. which are beneficial.

  • Our skin stays healthy in summer and we can take care of our skin in a good way.

  • In the summer season we can go for a walk anywhere, we can go to most of the beaches etc. We can make a trip plan for the walk etc.

Winter season advantages

  • In winter, the nights are long and the days are short and thus our sleep is very complete and man lives happily.

  • In winter, our mind stays fresh, it stays fresh all the time, there is no tension.

  • In winter, the hunger is very high, the nights are long, the nights are also very hungry and the days are short, even then it is felt during the day.


Tell us about the disadvantages of both season or your favorite season.

Disadvantages of summer season

  • There are also many disadvantages of summer season. The first disadvantage is that due to its excessive heat, our skin becomes damaged and there is a risk of skin cancer.

  • In summer, the disturbance of the fan becomes too much, because of which we are not able to rest peacefully.

  • Apart from this, it becomes difficult to work during the day, the heat is so high that even the work cannot be done properly.

  • Due to the intensity of heat, sweat becomes so much and a lot of water evaporates from our body.

Disadvantages winter season

  • The damages of winter season are also very much the first problem that I face. First, our skin becomes very dry and damaged, we can't even put on make-up comfortably.

  • A very bad advantage of winter is that we lose vitamin D in winter because the sun shines very less, so we are deficient in vitamin D.

  • Apart from this, there is a risk of many diseases in winter, colds, fever etc. become very fast, besides this, blood pressure also becomes a problem.

  • In winter, the temperature of winter is so high that a person's hands and feet start trembling and he is unable to do any work.


Invite friends

I invite some of my friends @mr-joker ,@mehwish-almas and @aaliarubab to participate in the contest and tell about their favorite season.


Thanks alot for reading 🤍.

Best Regards



Saludos amigo.
Con la llegada del invierno trae consigo frescura un ambiente más acogedor y la naturaleza se viste de colores.

walikum-o- asalam are right.

 9 months ago 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 9 months ago 

Hello friend
You have shared so much about the season stressing how much you love her summer and the winter, you highlighted that the summer has longer days and shorter nights which makes it quite interesting to see. You can work during the day with little or no stress, but the heat of the summer is so fascinating in your country. I'm glad to hear that the sun gives us vitamin D, I guess I'll have more sun kisses too! Success in the challenge my dear friend

Thank a lot brother

 9 months ago 



Congratulations! Your post has been upvoted through steemcurator08.


Curated by : <@damithudaya>
 9 months ago 

Hello @nalainzahra, you prefer the summer season no matter how intense it is. You love winter because you have to sleep longer in this season although the sun of winter don't usually show but when shown means bonus. I enjoyed your entry.


Thank alot dear your kind comments.

During winter, we will be praying for summer to farm which means are the seasons are important. Nice entry from you good luck.

same to you dear

 9 months ago 

I cannot help but wonder if we will ever be happy with what we've got. I suppose that is what being human is all about. If not, the earth would have been a pretty boring place to live on.
By now, you know that I also prefer winter to summer, and most of my reasons correspond with yours.

Best wishes for the contest!

Really if we are human then we should be happy in every situation and Allah has made the earth for us so that we can roam everywhere.I have seen your post and read it too.
same too you !

 9 months ago 

Thank you! 🎕

Feliz y bendecido día amiga @nalainzahra, un gusto saludarte.

Totalmente de acuerdo contigo amiga, todas las estaciones son echas por Dios y debemos darle la gloria a él por sus bendiciones y disfrutar de cada una de ellas, yo las he disfrutado cada una. Al igual que tu disfruto más del invierno, pero por momentos hace falta ese poquito de sol y e sque a nuestro cuerpo también le hace falta el sol ya que como tu dices nos provee la vitamina D.

Me gustó mucho leerte. Un abrazo. Suerte

Thank for reading my post.

 9 months ago 

Winter season is also my favorite season. During winter I enjoy sleeping. You have talked well friend. Good luck to you.

thank a lot dear friend.

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