The Debate (week-11); Why Stable Career Is Better Than Following Passion .

in Steem Fashion&Style7 months ago
Hello Steem Fashion&Style

I choose stable career .


I like stable career because money is very important to live life and having stable career remains the source of money. I do not like to risk life at all because by risking it we may go too far. On the contrary, if we earn a lot of money, it can also happen that all our money gets wasted, all our time gets wasted and we start yearning for every single rupee. Even when you are alone, you need money, but if If you have children and a family then your mental condition becomes worse if your career is not stable.

When there is food in the stomach ..... the mind becomes calm, only then any person can work for passion, but if the stomach is hungry the condition of the house is bad, then there is no passion left in the mind, hence one should not put life in danger. One should not mess with them. I have seen many people who risk everything for their hobbies. Hobbies are their passion and later they themselves get troubled and also trouble their family members a lot. Their hobbies are their passion. Their family pay the price of there "not so mature" , "not so worthy" passion .

Have you ever found yourself torn between pursuing a stable career path or following your passion?

Yes certainly. I am passionate about singing and dancing but had to left everything and pursue for a degree coz that's what gets you a job these days . I believe that two things are most important ..... 1) self-peace , 2) self-happiness . Maintaining both of them if one can pursue his or her passion then go ahead and if not then first get a stable life and then pursue your passion. I feel one musttttt neverrrrr everrrrr give up on their dreams because that's the most raw , original and god gifted thing one owns .

My Dreams Are Mine And Only Mine , So Why Abandon Them !

Cc - @sahmie

I invite :: @goodybest , @o1eh , @stef1


India , January 12, 2024
Posted by


¡Hola moyeon! 🌟 ¡Menudo tema, eh! 💼 Estoy 100% contigo, la plata es la clave para sobrevivir. 🤑 Arriesgarla toda por pasiones puede ser peligroso, he visto gente en aprietos. 🤷‍♂️ Yo también soñaba con cantar y bailar, pero la realidad es que el diploma es el pasaporte a un buen trabajo. 🎓 ¡Lograr equilibrio entre estabilidad y pasión es la movida! 🚀 ¡Saludos! 👋


Your post on the delicate balance between a stable career and personal passion resonates well. It's clear you value the practicality of financial stability while acknowledging the importance of not giving up on one's dreams. The mention of your passion for singing and dancing adds a personal touch to your insightful commentary. Well said...

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