"Life on steemit platform"

in Steem Fashion&Style4 months ago

picture taken from my phone

It's been a wonderful day, and my happiness is when I see you all Happy. So I like to say hi to everyone in the community most especially the organizer of this contest. It's a pleasure to participate.


some of us are members who have join steemit for a long time, up to 2 to 3 years while most of us joined recently. in today's contest I will share with you guys my journey on steemit ever since I joined steemit. I will share with you all how much time I've spent on steemit platform, how working on steemit have impact on my life and how I feel about working in steemit. You won't gonna miss it!

How much time you spent on steemit platform?
1702284658811_transcpr.jpg my working placeIMG_20231120_141429_171_transcpr.jpg about to eat🤣

I join steemit platform early last year when my best friend introduce me to the platform. I started working in it, like on my introduction post. I was Happy when I realized that there's no space for fake and all those bad conduct on steemit. but along the line I got stuck, I couldn't be able to participate anymore due to my main job, so throughout last year I was off from steemit.

I made up my mind that I will try as much as possible to participate fully on steemit this year, so, here am I. Though I don't stay from morning till night working like others, the little time i have here is amazing, and I know am making progress.

Do you think working on steemit has impact on your life.

Yes, very well. in what way? let me give you an example, do you know that working on steemit give me the opportunity to research on some topics that I wasn't interested before? I must say this: working on steemit have a big impact from my life, reading about people experience, interacting with people all over the world and ability to learn new things everyday. I have learnt a lot on steemit.

My life have improved, even though I have not earn enough like others, I will wait patiently and keep working hard... Sooner or later, I will certainly reach my target.

Do you really enjoy working on steemit platform share your experience.

Oh yes, I really enjoyed working with steemit, why? because steemit is also a source of income, creating quality content, interaction with other users, participating in different communities and joining different contest like diary game. For me, working on steemit help in refreshing my memory. I have never imagine that one day I will write about places, myself, food(very important) and my Social life for others to read.

IMG_20240129_143637_496.jpg Empty potIMG_20240129_142312_109.jpg my food😋
IMG_20240128_185735_362.jpg picture of bank I snappedIMG_20240128_181534_832.jpg picture of animal I snapped
IMG_20240128_131622_688.jpg lizardsome of the pictures I snapped for contest and diary game

Working on steemit has help me in many ways which I can't mention all. Before I use to made 1 post in a week, but now , atleast 1 post everyday. I really enjoyed working on steemit.


So my dear friends all fingers are not the same, so I don't compare my self with others. What if you try making post and it not curated as you expected? don't give up. It's a matter of time, work hard, creat quality content, interact with other users, in this way, we can enjoy our dear steemit by Earning and Learning. Remember the patient dog gets the fattest bone.

I'll like to invite my dear friends @goodybest @bossj23 @kuzboy @adylina @saku49539 @crystal247 @mesola @nuekyan and @abandi to join me on the contest. This is the contest post link

cc: @drhira

Thanks for reading my contest

 4 months ago 

My dear I will urge you to try as much as you can to be active because this days is very rear to see an online paying platform

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