Steemit Engagement Challenge-S14W5 | Summer Season vs Winter Season

Assalamu Alaikum

Today is Wednesday.
December 27, 2023
@mdshanto 🔷Form Bangladesh🇧🇩


First of all I would like to thank all the members of this community and the admin panel. Special thanks to the admin panel of this community for organizing such a nice Steemit Engagement Challenge. Through this competition we will be able to introduce you to our favorite seasons. And also tell why our favorite season is summer or winter. At the beginning of the blog, I want to say that my favorite season is winter. There are many reasons for that which I will present to you today. Hope you enjoy the entire blog. Let me know your comments. But let's start today's blog with my favorite season.


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🔸Summer Season vs Winter Season, which one is your favorite season & why?

I would say without hesitation that my favorite season is winter. Our Bangladesh is Bangladesh of six seasons. My favorite season is winter. There are several reasons why I love winter which I will present to you today. To me, winter looks like a festive atmosphere. I know how a festive mood is created in our Bangladesh from the beginning. At the beginning of winter, we have an event to buy clothes to protect ourselves, then the work of threshing rice begins in rural Bengal and the rice that is obtained from this rice is processed into ingredients for making pita. In other words, during the winter we have pitha festival in Bangladesh which does not happen at any other time of the year. Also in Bangladesh we organize various kinds of sports during winter and especially in rural Bangladesh many kinds of sports are organized.


Pitha festival in our village house

All the arable land in our village area is filled with the beauty of crops and flowers in the village fields. The beauty of which we are fascinated and the beauty of which we want to enjoy in this cultivated land. In summer the body gets tired easily and feels restless but in winter the body does not get tired easily even after hard work. There are also many reasons to love winter which I will try to highlight through the following questions.This festival is celebrated especially in rural areas by inviting all the family in our village houses through pitha festivals that are held in Bangladesh during winter. Through which we can sit together again with everyone and eat pita and talk with them through this arrangement. Also during winter some extra foods are available which we don't have any time in Bangladesh like date juice. In other words, you will never understand the pleasure of collecting sap from palm trees through various processes and enjoying this sap in the mist of a winter morning. There are many reasons to love this winter. Also my favorite sport organized in our Bangladesh is Badminton which is organized only in winter in our Bangladesh. Besides, Hadudu game and Kabaddi game of Murubbids are organized during this winter. Also, the people of the village used to light a fire in the morning and celebrate together in a beautiful way to resist this winter.

🔸Tell us about the advantages of both seasons or your favorite season.

Every season has its pros and cons, among which I would like to mention the pros of summer and winter. Every season has its merits but some fields prefer summer and some prefer winter. But both summer and winter are necessary for survival. Our Creator has entrusted it to us all because He is good for us. But let's know some benefits of winter and summer.


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Summer Season Winter Season
During summer we get a very long day through which we can give some time to ourselves after finishing all our activities. The biggest advantage of winter is that the farmers of our country can work continuously for longer hours because fatigue is less during winter. As a result the farmers are able to produce good crops through their continuous efforts.
Summer can be spent wearing any kind of clothes day and night. That is, there is no need for thick clothes and that is very convenient for street children. Especially for those who live on the streets and spend the night at railway stations, the trouble of clothing can be avoided. Our Bangladeshi farmers are much happier in winter. Because during winter they can bring home many kinds of crops together, and the most essential crop is paddy through which we get rice, this crop can be brought home, and the farmer has an incredible smile on his face. And these people of our village area collect rice through threshing of rice and celebrate pitha festival .
During summer we get the best fruits like sweet and strong fruits like jackfruit and sweet fruits like mango and these raw fruits definitely need that heat of summer sun to ripen. Some of you may need to tell about the sweet sunshine of the winter morning, how sweet it is. How many things do we do to protect ourselves from the sun during summer? But during winters we sit waiting for this sweet treat and people in rural areas enjoy eating winter pies with this sun on their skin. Also, electricity bills are much lower during winters and water wastage is much less. Which is a great advantage for every family

🔸Tell us about the disadvantages of both season or your favorite season.

Every season has its good sides as well as its bad sides. So I will now try to highlight the disadvantages and advantages of summer and winter.


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Summer Season Winter Season
The biggest disadvantage of summer is excessive heat i.e. the heat of the sun which causes the body to sweat profusely and there is a lot of bad smell. Also due to excessive sun heat many times people of different age group die due to stoke. The biggest problem during winter is street children who have no fixed place to stay and cannot afford to buy new clothes or winter clothes. Even if they manage to get through the day, the night becomes much more terrifying for them.
The biggest disadvantage during summer is that the electricity bill is very high, due to which many families spend more than their income. Because overheating is really impossible to bear. And laborers cannot work for long hours and get tired easily in this heat. Illnesses are more common during winter because many people are lazy during winter like lying down and doing less work also various problems like chapped lips occur during this winter. Especially more problems are seen in old age homes.
Farmers are most worried during summer because during that time many crops are destroyed due to excessive heat due to heat of sun and farmers are always waiting for rain water. That is, the farmers of our country are most worried during this summer. In winter, the days are very short and the nights are very long, so the day laborers can reduce their work during the day, which reduces their income and makes it difficult to run the family. Poor and helpless people suffer the most in winter because they have to face problems in everything from buying clothes.

Many thanks again for putting up the blog. Wishing everyone good health and concluding the contest blog here, Allah Hafez.

I invite you to participate

Achievement 1

↪Thanks For All The Support♈

 9 months ago 

Hi @mdshanto, you love the winter season because it looks more like a festive period in your place. So your people wear thick clothes during festivals, that's cool. Winter season is very destructive, it can destroy houses, cars, and other things even human due to heavy flood. Here in my place, we all prefer the summer season, although no one can survive just with one season.

Success to you!

Hello there! Your depiction of winter as a festive time in Bangladesh is enchanting. Your love for pitha festival and the vibrant activities during winter is truly captivating. You beautifully highlighted the advantages of both seasons, making a compelling case for winter's charm. The contrast between the joys and challenges of each season was vividly depicted. Thanks for sharing these unique insights! 🌨️❄️

 9 months ago 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

You have chosen winter because you have six seasons in Bangladesh and your winter time period is very short, it is very few months and you can enjoy it very much. Can eat your favourite food.From your pictures, it seems that you cook and eat very delicious food. You have explained its advantages and disadvantages in a very good way.

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