A view around a pond.19/05/2024

in Steem Fashion&Stylelast month (edited)

Hello Everyone. I am @Kuhinoor from Bangladesh .

Assalamu Alaikum, how are you all? I hope and
believe that everyone is well by the infinite grace of God Almighty. Alhamdulillah I am fine. My sincere love and best wishes to

Today I will share with you a scene around a pond.


There are trees on the banks of the pond, various animals and fish live in the water. Kachuripana and Helencha float on the surface of the pond. Crows, magpies, chils etc. sit on tree branches to hunt pond fish. On the banks of the pond and in the water, there are many plants and animals.

Whatever materials I used to draw the scene

1- Art paper

2- Pencil

3- Rubber

4- Wax paint

Step-1 First I took an art paper, I took the shape of the pond on it.


Step-2 Take a Boal fish in the middle of Ever Pond.


Step-3 Now we took the kachugash on the bank of the pond along with the sardine, the sardine house.


Step-4 Now draw a crow on top and an owl on a tree branch next to it.


Step-5 Now I painted step by step. Green color on the tree branch, black color on the crow, light orange color on the fish, owl, light sky in the water of the pond.



Finished drawing my picture, tried for good size, tell me if there is any problem. You can easily draw the scene if you want. Please pray for me so that I am well, I hope that everyone will be well. Everyone will be fine.

Allah is Hafez.

Thanks everyone.

 last month 

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