Steemit Engagement Challenge-S14W6 | Memories of 2023

in Steem Fashion&Style9 months ago

Assalamualaikum steemians

Memories are important to all of us and some memories always keep in our mind so here I sharing my memories of 2023 year


Are memories play important role in your life?

If in simple words I explain memory then it is something that is stored in our brain and it can be for long time and it can be for short time So whatever we are doing today would be another memory at the very next day because this is natural and this is automatic that's why it is said and advised always that we should make our life beautiful so that we may have a lot of beautiful memories and yes memories are very important for me in my life.


Memories are important in our life because if we would have good memories then in future if there would be some time in which we would feel stressed then my personal belief is that by thinking old memories that are good you may feel happy at that time and your good memories would be a source of happiness for you at that time that's why memories are very important and if you have a bad memory then you can also take it in a positive way and in a way of learning from a particular memory or from a particular event.

Memories are important in our life because we always love to have beautiful moments in our life and if there would be no system of storing memories by nature in your brain then you would not be able to recall that particular moment which was joyful for you.

Share any best memory of 2023

Most of the time I consider best memories and best time in my life to all those events in which I find and opportunity to meet with all of my friends family members and close relatives so there was a wedding in 2023 which was very enjoyable for me and after a long time this was the wedding event in my family which was very close to me and it was the wedding of my nephew which is very dearest to me.


She is from one of the most prettiest person for me in this world and I was very happy at her wedding as well as there were also some relatives that are not in Pakistan and they are in different countries but at her wedding event it was the opportunity for me to meet with all of them and I welcomed all of them with depth of my heart.

At wedding of my nephew I enjoyed the company of my friends as well as we also have a lot of gossips and joy with music and still I remember that at wedding there was rain in morning time which makes that day more interesting and memorable for me.

Share any worst memory of 2023

In 2023 I also have to face worst memory and that was all about my health and we all know that health is very important for all of us and we all are just like and if we don't take care of each and every part of this machine then it would definitely disturb from the normal functioning.

Well moving towards the worst situation!!

It was the evening time then I was in stress due to some personal problems in my life and my head was feeling very heavy to me but I was continuously ignoring it because I was not in mood to go to hospital at that time and after control of one hour suddenly I have bleeding from my nose. When there my nose was bleeding then it was alarming for me and one of my colleague was with me at that time It was my good luck so he hurrily moved me to a nearby hospital emergency.


At that time doctor was with me and he gave me medicine by intervenous way which relaxed me within some time and then doctor told me about my condition that I could have brain hemorrhage due to a lot of increase in blood pressure but I should be very thankful to Allah who saved my health and saved my life.

It was very frightening for me and from that time I learned that stress is not good to take for such a long time and if you have any stressful condition in your life and you are feeling that your health is going to disturb then immediately you have to go to hospital.

2023 was just like a healing phase for me because I have faced a lot of losses wrong 2019 in my life and it especially from the time in which we all have faced COVID So there were many things that I tried to repair in 2023 and now in 2024 I am hopefully for my success So these all were the beautiful memories of 2023 and some of the better memories of this year.

I want to invite here @kouba01 , @radleking , @fantvwiki , @josepha to participate


 9 months ago 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 9 months ago 

Hello friend

I'm glad you had lots of memories, indeed memories keep us during the tough times making us look back and enjoy the fast memory we created. Seeing your niece getting married is so great seeing how beautiful she is looking in the picture is more than interesting. I'm so sorry for your health condition bad a result of stress. Success in the challenge my dear friend

 9 months ago 

Thank you so much for visiting at my post and I agree with you that having memories and keeping them save in your brain give you joy and this is the actually importance of memories in your life.

I am happy that you are getting excited to see my dear one to get married and you are talking about my health condition and yes it was due to stress now I believe that whatever the situation is we should always keep ourselves in calm and pray for our welfare.

 9 months ago 

Me alegro por la boda de tu sobrino. El estrés es muy malo, por eso siempre tenemos que estar lo más relajados posible. Espero que te encuentres mejor. Éxitos en el concurso.

 9 months ago 

First of all appreciate your comment here and then thank you for being happy for my nephews wedding and secondly I really agree with you that stress is one of the most dangerous thing for your health that can make a person hypertensive within a very little time so we should avoid to take stress and thanks for wishing me success in this contest and soon I would like to visit your entry too

 9 months ago 

Thank you so much for replying to my post...
It's good that you are happy about wedding of my nephew and secondly I agree with you that stress is one of the most worst thing that can cause many Health problems to us so we should avoid to take stress in our life and thanks for wishing me success.

hello dear @khursheedanwar your reflections on the importance of memories in 2023. It's evident that you cherish moments of joy and learn from challenging experiences. Celebrating weddings and the joy of family gatherings adds a beautiful touch to your memories. I'm relieved to hear that your health scare had a positive outcome and that you learned the importance of managing stress. Wishing you a healthier and more successful 2024 filled with positive memories....

 9 months ago 

Thank you so much for visiting my post and thank you so much for wishing me a 😊 happy New Year 2024.

 9 months ago 

Memory is our inbuilt ability to remember things that happened in the past. History can be told perfectly with the aid of memory. The weddings and other events you attended in the year 2023 was just awesome. The time out with your loved one is something they will remember about. Good luck on your post.

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