Hello everyone, greetings to my fellow steemians colleagues and friends around the globe, how are you all doing today? Hope you are fine and healthy as for me am amazing as usual, by the way I'm john from Nigeria it my pleasure having you in this amazing and wonderful contest "Shocking moment" Organized by @ashkhan here at #Steem-fashion&styles.

I decided to take part in this weeks amazing contest to share with you all my shocking moment story and at the same time bring out the best in me when it comes to creativity and story narration. But before then let us look into the meaning of shocking moment as stated by the contest theme.


Shocking moment as the contest name implies can be a time or moment when an individual experience shock or suprise, this particular shock or suprise can be of good or bad news depending on what took place that moment.


It was a very good and bright day when I woke up in the morning i did my daily ritual which is praying to God and after that I did my house chores before moving down to our goats house to check on them and as well take them to the bush to feed on grass, when I checked them that morning they were all okay and healthy so i have take out to feed since the weather is friendly enough.


After sometime I went back to check on them again with drinking water so as to keep them hydrated after giving them the water I changed most of them their position so as to find new and fresh grasses to eat after all this I went back home to rest a little before bringing them back home final.

On the process of resting a little bit I slept off because the weather was cold assive it want to rain then I forgot that I tied our goats in the bush because I was stress out and tired and I know rain isn't good for their body after some times I heard someone shouting my name but it seems I was dreaming because I was sleeping and sometimes I experience such, not too long my junior sister have to tap me wake up Ifeanyi (my language name)mummy is calling you said my junior sis, when I went to answer her that's when I realized and remember that I was supposed to bring back our goats immediately I rush out without even answering my mom call to untie the goats by then the rain has reduced.


On getting there I was shocked because I saw one of them lying helpless on the wet grass floor then I begin to panic because it was our biggest goat which we have been reserving for Christmas celebration, when I touch the goat I discovered that It was not dead but it have very little chance of survival, which I know it won't make it I have no option than to rush home to inform my mom, which she ask me to slaughter it before it dies completely,


But the case doesn't ends there because I still have my dad to content with which I know he will be very angry hearing such news because of my carelessness, even while roasting and preparing the goat meat with my brother I was so afraid all what was going on in my mind was what will my dad do to me or how will I explain such mistake to him that I slept off for something I was supposed to do this things Keeps troubling my mind till my dad comes back from work.

But thanks to my mom who explained things better for his understanding otherwise my body would have been decorated with some tribal mark that comes from lashes, but to be sincere I really messed up but God knows it was never intentionally we all make mistakes, and as well we learn from it also.

I have finally come to the end of this amazing and wonderful contest on shocking moment which I will like to appreciate you all that came across my blog and as well invite my fellow steemians colleagues and friends @solperez, @josepha, @pandora2010, and @simonnwigwe to take part in this contest thanks

 27 days ago 

Friend, as you have said, nobody wants to make a mistake, and less of this magnitude, since the death of the goat put an end to the plans of enjoying it for Christmas.

I am glad that your father did not punish you, because in any case, you learned a new lesson: You cannot fall asleep and neglect the goats.

I loved reading you; and I confess that I was also shocked.

You have really spoken well, thanks for your good reply, it is a great delight and pleasure to have you in my blog much love dear, big hug 💗


Keep it up bro 💪💪💪

Y'are valid bro

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