Debate no29 Democracy or Dictatorship

in Steem Fashion&Style2 months ago (edited)

Greetings my fellow steemians hope you all are having a good and peaceful time this last week of may, it my pleasure having you guys in this amazing contest Democracy or Dictatorship, which is more effective?from #steem-fashion-style organized by @sahmie,

Before I proceed to the contest hints I will to let you all know the meaning of democracy and dictatorship.

Democracy as popularly defined by Abraham Lincoln, according to him he said " democracy is the government of the people, by the people and for the people.

On my own understanding democracy is the system of government in which all qualified adult/citizens share their supreme power through electing their representative or candidate.
While Dictatorship is an absolute power of government which is characterized by a leader, or a group of leaders, who hold governmental powers with few to no limitation.

Democracy or dictatorship: Which is better for stability and progress
For me the answer should be democracy because democracy is much more better than dictatorship in many ways especially in this modern world that's so populated unlike then when population were still low.

How does democracy help a country move forward compared to a dictatorship?
There are so many ways in which democracy can help a country move forward which are .....

  • The rule of law, democracy promotes equality of persons, protection of their possessions unlike dictatorship where there is no rule of law.
  • It prevents the misuse of power since there is check and balance, compare to dictatorship where power can misuse without and penalties
  • It encourage citizens to be involved in their government and politics that's to say it, encourage and promotes political participation not like dictatorship where everyone is afraid to take part in government affairs
  • Democracy gives citizens right to vote for candidate of their choice and acceptance of the leader by the citizens, compare to dictatorship where leaders are elected or chosen by people .
  • It also helps in separation of power in different organs of the states or government to avoid violence or war unlike dictatorship where power are not separated but centralized in one body or group.
  • Democracy brings peace, unity, among different tribe and regions not like dictatorship where everybody having bitter taught in government
  • Persuasion and argument are used in making decisions rather than violence or force from dictator
  • it encourage the government to rule according or by the constitution not by misusing power to harm the poor and those who are not in power
  • It helps to safeguard and protect the fundamental rights of the citizens.
  • It does not gives room to dictatorship or military rule, which is not good for the smooth growing of government
  • It is always backup with periodic election.


Can a dictatorship handle tough times better than a democracy?
Then answer is no dictatorship cannot handle tough times better than democracy, democracy it self is government made and ruled by the people call the citizens so which means in terms of difficulties and problem it will be easily resolved and settled by the people itself, unlike dictatorship where decision are made without the knowledge of the people known as the citizens of the country this rather brings war, disagreement and killings among people.

Why is personal freedom important for a country to grow under different types of governments?
Personal freedom is very essential for a country to grow and develop very,because the major feature of a state or government is the people that's to say that the country can't do or exist without the people called citizens what am trying to prove out is that , the good of the people is also the good of the government if the personal freedom is denied the government will not function well and it prompt to disobedience of country rules and regulations of the country which may end up causing wars, lose of Life and all kinds of corrupt manner from the citizens.

Before end this contest I want to appreciate the organizer @sahmie for this amazing contest also to invite my friends @olesia, @radjasalman, @dove11 to take part in this wonderful contest thanks


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