The Debate (3); why Teachers are better than Doctors

This is the bedrock upon which all fields lies on, they're a the starting point for all other fields. A Teacher is very important in a society, without a teacher we won't be able to pass on knowledge to many people to succeed in their field. Teachers put all commitment and effort to make sure that everyone gets the knowledge they need to achieve their goals.

Who is a Teacher/Doctor

A person who teaches and instructs a student is know as a teacher, they imbibe long lasting knowledge in a student and also play a big role in helping the students know their potential and goals and know the steps to take towards it, so I would say they are also counselors.
While Doctors are medical professionals who are trained, educated and certified to treat patients and offer care to them.

Teachers are Better than Doctors

With this few points of mine I will be able to tell you why Teachers are better than Doctors

  • Teachers gives shape to the new generation
    The have always been on the line to teach and instill discipline in a child therefore creating a good generation in future.

  • Teachers contribute to a good society
    The educational knowledge which is given a student and also proper guidance on how to behave helps the students, and will also help grow a better society.

  • Teachers promotes creativity in a child
    Teachers in one way or another, always promotes a child's creativity and provides long lasting knowledge.

  • Teachers can easily read the change in behavior and state of body of his or her student while a doctor relies on scans and tests.

  • Teachers acts as mentors to their students, and they provide all the guidance a student would need to succeed in life and achieve their goals, teachers are always ready to give or provide support and encouragements to see their students succeed and soar high, seeing their students succeed is their greatest achievement. While a doctor may not have such time to encourage or advice his patient but treat his patient and go his way.

  • Teachers influenced his students mentally , emotionally and intellectually and they help grow creative students, they make sure students can solve different problems gien to him, with this task that student can solve other problems in the society.

  • Teachers instill discipline to a student
    Teachers make sure that that instill discipline in a child, punctuality, respect and other qualities are nice areas in which a teacher helps to instill in a child, with this discipline a child can grow in a right path and succeed.


Without teachers there wouldn't be any educated Doctor, because before someone is certified as a doctor he needs to undergo trainings and teachings from teachers before he can actually go on to be a doctor.

I will then say that Doctors depends on teachers to become a doctor while teachers don't depend on any field.

With this point of mine I hope to convince and not confuse you that Teachers are better than Doctors.

I invite my friends to join @basil20, @davidmarkgeorge and @johnmitchel

Cc, @sahmie

 7 months ago (edited)

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Greetings friend, I see you were one good debator in your school days, as publication speaks of that. Its nice to have seen that you rate teachers highly because even our society looks down on teachers, this explains why teachers are always among the lowest income earns in the civil service. Good luck in the contest.

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