Betterlife with Steem The Diary Game// 21 June,2024// Working at Farm enjoy Biryani & Football Match


Summary of the Day

Hello, Everyone

Welcome on my post. How are you all hope everyone doing well and enjoy your day with family and friends. I am also fine and enjoy my day's at home. Today i am here to share my story of blessings Day with all of you. Hope you all like it and support me
Let's start our today task without any more daley of time

Today i woke up early in the morning. First i done my all morning task brushed teeth washed face as usual. Then i take some rest for freshy mood. I move outside where the weather is look so beautiful. I captured in my mobile camera because i am loving nature and love with the Creation of Allah Almighty.


Beauty of Weather

As you show in picture this looks so pretty and beautiful. I feel fresh after the the nature.

After enjoying the weather. I open my Steemit account and check my wallet i decided to Power Up my liquid steem. I have almost 38 steem in my wallet and put 30 steem power up. I complete my power up process and made a Post in other community on the power up.


Power Up my Account

Then i move toward my Cousin Dairy Farm where i Chek the animals and done some work at farm. First we fill the fooder in front of Animals and we drank water Animal's. This is very profitable businesses knows a day's at village. We need to work on this and spread this business all around the Area because it's very profitable.




Working at Dairy Farm

As you all seen in above picture my cousin sucking the Milk and I am waiting there and enjoy the weather.

After finish work at diary i move back toward home, where i fresh myself again to wash my hands and face. I feel hungry because the time to done my lunch. But when i asked my mother about food they replied me Beef Biryani is ready to eat after listening this i feel so happy because biryani is most favorite dish in the Asians Nation. Then i took a picture for my diary and finish after some time. The taste is so special and delicious.


Beef Biryani

After fish the food i received a call from my friend. They told me about the today football match at our home Ground. I start preparation to saw the match and reached after 20 minutes. When we reached the both teams line up Youn Star and Baloch Lines. This see look beautiful and match almost near to start i took picture.


Both Teams Before Start Match

After 20 minutes the match start the refrey final the time almost 45 minutes of Half. They Play two Half but unfortunately both teams remain on Zero Score after Time Up they decided to playing planty between both teams but due to absence of improper lights the match postponed on next day's. So we see next day this match again.


During Match

Then i decided to move back home, offer the Megarib prayer and time to take rest. I lay down on bed scroll social media for some time. I feel a sleep now time to say goodbye to everyone this is my diary of day. Hope everyone like it and support me. Thanks All ❣️

Achievement 1 Link

All pictures are taken by me Vivo S1

Thanks All for Reading my Post❤️

Good Bye Everyone 👋

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