Thank you Steemit Team | Guidelines for steemit engagement challenge season 8

in Steem Fashion&Stylelast year


Hello Everyone, we are here to share the biggest news for our community we got selected for the steemit engagement challenge season 8 and we are thankful to @steemitblog for this opportunity. We are so excited that our community has been selected among 7 communities that will organize steemit engagement challenge season 8.

We are thankful to all our users who are supporting us and sharing their quality content with us. Especially those who are actively sharing their content and participating in community contests. We are also thankful to our moderators who work for our community's growth and betterment.

We are delighted after getting this opportunity. Congratulations to all other communities that have been selected with us and we wish this will be the best season for the engagement challenge.


Review Schedule

The community at the moment uses tools like the smaller tool and double checker to check plagiarism and users to check club status. The review format can be seen below. We have the following reviewing team each day and are divided into 2 groups as we have 6 team members including 2 Admins and 4 moderators.

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday


Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday


All team members help out on Sunday as we received most of the posts on Sunday. We can't leave any post unreviewed for more than 12 hours.


Greetings! Thank you for being part of the community and participating in Steemit Engagement Challenge S8-W1/2/3/4: "_______" .

Status Club
Plagiarism Free
Voting CSI >5
Quality of content
Verification date:

We are using this simple template and carefully read all the publications then review them and if need any suggestions we will correct them.


Guidelines for Engagement Challenge

We welcome all the users to share their participation in our community but you have to follow our rules for validating your participation and getting a chance to win each week.

  • You must subscribe to our community Steem fashion and style. Your post should be at least 300 words and plagiarism free.

  • For validating your participation your post should contain 10 upvotes and 5 meaningful comments. Don't use bid bots for upvoting and comments.

  • Users must be following any of the clubs either club5050, club75, or club100. Please carefully check your club Status before sharing your participation.


We hope that you all will support other users by upvoting and sharing meaningful comments on their posts. Engagement is the basic reason for this project, hope you follow all the rules and guidelines. Share quality content and get support from our community and curators too.

We wish you all the best for the steemit engagement challenge season 8 and success in your contest participation.


Join our discord channel


 last year 

Thank you guidelines we try our best to make this challenge successful in all aspects.

 last year 

Thank you for your support.

 last year 

Thanks alot for sharing to us indetail guidelines to share our participation in Season 8 engagement challenge. Hopefully we will get good entries and altogether do best our duties. Hope for the good 👍😊

 last year 

Wonderful guideline. We are sure going to make this unique. Best of luck guys

 last year 

Thank you for sharing these simple and easy guidelines. Hope everyone follow these and get more support from us and steemit team. Best wishes to all the users.

Hi , Congratulations on being selected for the steemit engagement challenge season 8. Your reviewing team seems well-organized for the efficient review of posts. I appreciate the detailed guidelines for the engagement challenge and the focus on quality content.

I hope it helps in promoting engagement among users and contributes to the growth of the community.

 last year 

Thank you so much for your support and kind words. We will do our best for community growth and steemit betterment.

 last year 

Your post has been supported with a 50% upvote by @ashkhan from TEAM 2 of the Community Curation Program. We invite you to continue sharing quality content on the platform, and continue to enjoy support, and also a likely spot in our weekly top 7.

Voting date: February 25, 2023


 last year 

Thank you.

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