Application for Community Support Program || @visionaer3003 Witness by Steem Fashion & Style

in Steem Fashion&Stylelast year


Hello everyone, we are thankful to @visionaer3003 for initiating this program so that newly developed communities will get support and the opportunity to support other users. Here are our community details.

The Purpose of Our Community

This community was built with a unique purpose other communities days we do a lot of types of styling and fashion but there is no specific community to share this. We make this community where users can share their fashion and style-related content in our community. We organize different theme contests so that users will get more ideas to share their content with us.

Another idea was to support users all over the steemit especially those who are not getting much support even after doing great work. We keep in mind to support users by giving steem power, TRX, and steem as a contest reward. That they also grow their account and get success here.

Brief history of their community

Steem Fashion & Style community is a community built for everyone to showcase their fashion and style. The community came into existence about a few weeks ago and the things users are expected to share with us include

  • Fashion & Style Diary Game
  • Fashion & Style Tutorials (Stitching, Skincare, etc)
  • Fashion & Style Contests

Here is the detailed post about community Content topics.

This community was built with a unique purpose other communities days we do a lot of types of styling and fashion but there is no specific community to share this. We make this community where users can share their fashion and style-related content in our community. We organize different theme contests so that users will get more ideas to share their content with us.


A list of all Admins and Moderators - including when they joined Steem, and their current amount of own Steem Power.

The team that makes up the Steem Fashion and Style community and its club status can be seen in the table below. We have 6 team members now and increase in the future according to community demands or progress.



UsernameJoined SteemitSteem power
@ashkhanMay 20218,895.67
@drhiraMay 20212,396.32
@m-fdoJune 20214,222.23
@uzma4882June 20214,463.85
@simonnwigweNovember 202030,094.76
@faran-nabeelJune 20214,459.70
Your point of view or opinion about Witness

As we all know votes for Witness are developed or initiated for users' help like steemchiller develop Steemworld and just develop both these apps are very helpful for all users. So, it's our responsibility to help them in their growth by voting for their witness and playing our role in the steemit development.

Voting for a witness is necessary for steemit development and betterment. I think we should support witnesses that they will make steemit a much better platform for work. I am supporting Witnesses and seeing a bright future for steemit and its users.

Impact your community for the progress of the Steem ecosystem.

As we already told above, our community has a unique purpose that distinguishes us from other communities. We are allowing users to share their content according to our community theme and we try to support all of them to encourage them and urge them to share more content with us.

We will play our part in Steem development by guiding users so that they get more information about the steemit platform and organizing different contests through which we support users by giving steems, Trx, and SP rewards. So, indirectly by supporting users with rewards we are playing our part in Steem ecosystem betterment and development.

Details of how your community prevents plagiarism and abuse.

We have an experienced team that can check every user's post plagiarism and reviews them within 24 hours of posting. Our team uses different plagiarism-checking websites like

With this, we also have an abuse watcher team that checks every user's post and finds abusers on steemit. We have divided our team into 2 groups, they have to check for plagiarism in each post and then share their review in comment format.

We don't allow users to post content other than our community theme. If anyone does this then their post is muted in our community and warned for next time. Soon we will start sharing our weekly plagiarism report and other things as well.


This was our application for the community support program by @visionaer3003. I hope we will fulfill all the criteria and get the support so that we will grow our community account and work for users' betterment.


You've got a free upvote from witness fuli.
Peace & Love!

Coin Marketplace

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JST 0.029
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