Contest//The Debate (No 40); Drama

Welcome to my blog everyone, nice to meet us again and thanks @sahmie and my co-debators. I am here to support the motion which say "Drama is better than Comedy with the following point of mine which you will learn from.


This topic (Drama) took me back to my Literature note book. My literature teacher used to say "the text of Drama that can be read should be expressed with passion so show your actions in the Drama " I was once an art student back then and I understand the word "DRAMA"

A drama is a letter or words written for someone to study or work that tells a story moving in one side or out of the other side by action and speech.

It is a form of presenting a play, concert that involves disagreement or argument, strong feeling which may be feeling of great enthusiasm,mental or emotional strain etc.

Different expressions are being passed through drama. It is very hard for one to forget the lessons that is been told through a drama but comedy are just works that are planned to be causing laughter by creating stories or gestures etc for someone to laugh.

There are some drama which I have watched just to mention few now which are:-
1.Romeo and Juliet
2.Now voyager
3.Sound of Music
5.Waiting for Godot. Etc

In literature there are seven (7) Classic of Drama

1.Comedy:-This comes with someone laughing just to forget his or her pains at the moment. Example Mark Angel comedy by Mark Angel, Emmanuel, Aunty success etc.

2.Tragedy:-It comes with a weakness that causes someone's downfall. Example Romeo and Juliet which have watched etc.

3.Musical:-It a drama that has the combination of songs at the same time to express feelings. Example sound of music,my Fair lady.

4.Opera:-These are instrumental with Vocal pieces to build it up just to make one comfortable. Example Carmen by Bizet which is very interesting.

5.Tragicomedy:-This one has a sorrowful to plans in the beginning and a pleasant ending. Example The merchant of Venice.

6.Melodrama:-This is a drama that awaken or increases feelings in the listeners. Example Now voyager. I enjoy watching it again and again.

7.Farce:-It uses absurd forms of comedy which makes someone to have bad mood. One day I will watch a drama on this.

In all this Drama I have explain there is one which I can't forget easily and when ever I see two lovers on the road or sitting, the drama comes to play in my mind Romeo and Juliet.

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Romeo and Juliet was a tragedy drama written by William Shakespeare about the romance between two Italian youths that were in love and because of the bitterness in their families they both died and their families grieved for them.

Let Me Explain Small from the Drama
Romeo and Juliet where in love with each other and their families have a misunderstanding which engaged in a prolonged bitter quarrel and brings bloodshed. Romeo fell in love with Juliet not knowing that Juliet was due to marry her father's choice the Paris guy because of that fight broke out among them which ended in Mercutio being stabbed.

Romeo and Juliet separated at the light of the day which made her mother to announce that Juliet must marry Paris. Juliet's refusal made the father vow to put her out from the house which didn't happen.

In a desperate feelings for Juliet to return to Romeo, Juliet plot a fake death as if she was dead and the news got to Romeo and he saw her lying as if she was dead, Romeo at the other hand took poison and died next to Juliet after then, Juliet woke up and saw Romeo dead, she used Romeo''s dagger on herself and died

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In this tragedy drama, there is nothing happy about it because both families were grieving and they end their prolonged bitterness and quarrel. This is a drama that one can't forget when you see two young lovers walking on the road or sitting anywhere. The first thing that play in mind is Romeo and Juliet and today so many people are bearing the name for real. I have learnt so much from this Drama but in some of the comedies I have watched I can't even remember anything from it again.

With this few points of mine, you can agree with me that drama is better than Comedy thanks.

Thank you for reading my post

My invite
@mhizta @radleking @ashley-p


Are you using this account with someone else?
You talk about 'we' and 'us'.

Hi @emmaprince, you're amazing. I haven't watched the drama about Romeo and Juliet, it's just that I have heard that name several times. Sadly, their love story ended in grief, which was caused by both families. People can go extra mile to sacrifice themselves for what they love. Your debate is well presented, and I love it. Good luck to you.

 last month 

¡Saludos amigo!🤗

Solemos cometer el terrible error de no darle el valor que merece el género del drama lo cual, me parece muy mal de nuestra parte porque, a través de esta categoría nos educamos y reflexionamos; particularidades indispensables hoy día en nuestra sociedad.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica... Un fuerte abrazo💚

Thank you I appreciate

 last month 

You've really proven you are a pure artist with a great knowledge of literature. You have taken time to analyze drama, nice content.

Thank you for your nice comment.

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