How To Make Money In Fashion


Do your friends always ask you for fashion advice? Do you always know the latest creations? Would you like to be the next Tory Burch, Stella Jean or Vivienne Westwood? Whether you have a fashion background or are just trying to get your foot in the door, there are plenty of ways to make money in fashion.

If you want to learn how to make money in fashion, follow our advice.

Cool ideas to make money with fashion

There are many different jobs in the fashion industry. From designers to textile producers to sales, the fashion industry offers a

  1. Become a fashion designer

One of the most popular ways to enter the fashion industry is to become a fashion designer. You can get your foot in the door by earning a degree in fashion, such as fashion design or fashion merchandising.

It's also a good idea to gain experience with internships at fashion houses and build up a portfolio. Fashion designers are the ones who create all the clothes, accessories and shoes that we wear.

Not only do they sketch the design, but they also choose the fabric and provide instructions on how to make the products.

How Much Do Fashion Designers Earn?

According to the United States, fashion designers earn Low-end news items make around $50,000 a year, and high-end ones make well over six figures a year.

Fashion not only requires creativity, but also many technical skills, such as sewing, proficiency in Adobe Illustrator, knowledge of color theory and more. The more skills you can add to your creative mind, the more likely you are to succeed as a fashion designer.

  1. Start Fashion Photography

If you really want to know how to make money in the fashion industry but don't want to become a fashion designer, you should consider getting into photography. Fashion photography is an integral part of the fashion world. In fact, it's often how brands promote their latest products and designs.

To get started in fashion photography, you need to know the basics of photography as well as image editing. Many photographers work freelance, but it's also possible to work in-house for an advertising agency or fashion magazine.

What is the current rate for fashion photography?

The amount you earn as a fashion photographer varies widely. If you're just starting out and working freelance, you'll earn a lot less than a famous fashion photographer working with top models and brands.

  1. Work on sales commissions in retail or luxury fashion. If you want to learn how to make money in fashion, one option is to work in sales for luxury fashion brands or retailers. You can earn commission on sales by working in retail or luxury.

You can collaborate with fashion brands and discover the latest trends. It can also be a good stepping stone to other careers in fashion such as styling or consulting.

You must be good with people in this role and have exceptional customer service and sales skills.

How much money can you earn from sales commissions?

Many sales jobs work with a fixed commission. Some retail stores may offer a lower hourly rate but a higher commission, which incentivizes their salespeople to sell more. On average, the industry pays a commission rate of 15%.

  1. Work as a PR fashion publicist

Public relations is another way to learn how to make money in fashion. Publicists work with fashion brands not only to organize events, but also to work on the big picture of a designer or company.

A good fashion publicist is essential for any fashion brand trying to showcase their work to consumers, whether it's luxury fashion or fast fashion.

The primary job of a fashion publicist is to build relationships with influencers, models, celebrities, fashion editors, and stylists to capitalize on the business and gain media coverage.

What is the average fashion publicist salary?

A fashion publicist earns around $74,000 per year on average, with entry-level publicists starting at $35,000 per year. The pay scale is highly dependent on experience and niche.

Someone with a lot of sewing experience who is a senior public relations consultant will earn a bit more than someone who just graduated from college.

  1. Start a Blog or YouTube Channel

Another way to learn how to make money from fashion is to start a blog or YouTube channel. You can create your channel or blog on any fashion topic you want.

You can start a lifestyle and fashion blog to help people create stylish wardrobes, teach others how to create new clothes from used clothes, become a fashion critic and write reviews about fashion, the latest fashions and more.

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