The debate no 17 :childhood

Good day my fellow steemians I hope you are doing great. Such a great contest organised by @sahmie titled : the debate : childhood vs adulthood. Today I will be choosing childhood to write about.


Me when I was a child

Childhood is a stage in which an individual has not reach the stage of maturity. Childhood stage is one of the fun and memorable memories and time in anyone life. This is the golden period of maturity every ones life as we grow, this is the time we are shaped into becoming what we are in future, it is the time we are taught and we also learn certain things. The memories of childhood is one which ultimately brings a smile on our faces. Only grown ups knows the real value of these memories as the children may be too small or tender to even remember these memories.



If you are reading this post you would agree with me that when you were a child you had so much fun, enjoy life , play games with friends and didn't have to worry about anything, That is what childhood is all about. Yes, childhood is better than adulthood because childhood is a stage of less stress, being a child you don't have to worry about spending too much money or being broke, they don't have to worry about someone telling them lies as this does not affect them in anyway. Unlike the adult which needs to worry about everything and everyone, paying bills, providing the basic needs of the family and so on. I must confess being an adult is stressful and in most situation adult over think which leads to anxiety and confusion when the solution is not provided.


Childhood is the foundation of our lives. This is the stage when we learn things and establish rules that can help us through out our lives. Some of these rules can be taught by our parents and adult.

In our society today, children are seen as the next generation and if they don't discover who they are and who they want to be during their childhood it will affect them when they have reach the stage of adulthood as they have no idea on what to do. When I was a child I could still remember those times when I would have fun, play games and just live a normal life, now I have grown sometimes when I feel sad or lonely I would still think of these memories and they would make me happy again. Sometimes our childhood memories act as a source of happiness to us and keeping our faces smiling in times of sadness, lonely times and difficult situation.


In conclusion, childhood is a vital part of everybody's life. There are certain things one learns during their childhood and will never forget it for the rest of their life and their are also certain things a child learns during his or her childhood that cannot be learned when the child reaches adulthood. Like me when I was I child my parents would always teach me to greet my elders and anybody I see in the morning and as I grew Up it became part of me and till now I still do it because I remember the teaching that they gave me when I was a child. You see childhood is the most sensitive part of everybody's life because one can learn both bad and good things during this stage. I hope I have been able to convince you that childhood is better than adulthood.

thanks for reading my post

Inviting @rogue22 @bossj23 and @saintkelvin17


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