Contest:SFS contest| Hallowed Decorations

in Steem Fashion&Style7 months ago

Good day great steemians, I am much delighted to participate in this very contest topic tagged "Hallowed decorations" much appreciation to @ashkan and the community. Before now I didn't really know much about the fun holiday Halloween.

Halloween Is one of the most observed fun holiday that originated very long ago that's celebrated with costumes, scary face edit and going out to party. Here in my country we don't really observe the holiday buh some people create beautiful contents on that day.
31st October is a day Halloween is celebrated in the world. Before then my friend who specialises more on face make up collaborated with me to create content on that very day.
My work was to capture and edit adding more special effects to the make up.



Halloween to most people is celebrated to show darkside and fear. We created much fear with scary pictures as we celebrated halloween. To me Halloween is something I won't love in my country because most people would use it as an avenue to pass on danger and harm to another.

Pictures taken with my redmi10c smartphone

Thank you for going through my post 🥰❤️


 7 months ago 

Hi dear, thank you for sharing your participation in our community. We warmly welcome you in our community. Dear friend Halloween festival has its own beauty and different costumes make it more amazing. Best of luck for contest result.

Evaluation of@davidmarkgeorge
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