Steemit Engagement Challenge-S14W6 | Memories of 2023 | 10 Steem Power Rewards

Happy New year Friends

Am so happy to meet you all safe and sound, into this year 2024. And our prayer is that this year is a year of divine speed in our lives, Well this is my first content into this wonderful community and my first time of visiting this community, I hope that am fully welcomed, I will also love to use this opportunity to greet each and everyone in this community, and my promise is that you all will love going through this great content of mine.

Well looking at our memories in 2023. As humans we have some experience, both good and bad in 2023 and we are to share it here. 2023 sincerely speaking in Nigeria is really the worst year I have ever express, I must say so. Because in the same 2023, I lost my phone and also my beloved, also in the same 2023, I also lost many things and experience, hardship in the highest level of it. But happiness at last is that we all survived it and belive that 2024 will be more of divine blessing and open doors.

Are memories play important role in your life?

Yes, memories, really plays important role in our lives, As humans what really make us stronger are out past memories, either good or bad. Memories are so strong that it can make you correct some mistake you made in the past, and also stand to direct you in certain things and areas you need to play, in order to progress massively In life. We all can remember their is no success with challenges, and those challenges are what will stand to guide you in future and lead you to a higher standard in life whatever you remember them.


I can also say that their is no success without memories, memories guide the existence of the future, and there is no future with the past. Memories really play a lot role in our lives, which my first point is that it stand to guide us, on how to amend the future and stop those mistakes that helped in the past to happen again. Finally memories also stand to help us achieve success in a greater heights, why I say so is really because, whenever we sit and remember those mistakes we made or our forefather made in the past that lead them to their failure in life, we will then stand to correct them, one after the other, and by doing so we can achieve success in a greater heights.

Share any best memory of 2023.

Well looking at 2023. My best memories as I can remember is the day I joined the great platform, indeed joining this Ecosystem this one of the best memories I had in 2023. And each time is see my progress it recall my mindset on the First day my mentor signed me into this great Ecosystem. While sincerely speaking, why it stand to be my best memory is that since I came into this great platform, I have learnt a lot of things in every aspect including crypto currency. I have also being expose to the world which in return added greater wisdom to me.


Also it stand to be my best memory because since I going this great platform, I have seen some improvement in my life and different aspects, which includes, creation of quality content, avoidance of typo errors, fast typing and also increase in wisdom and understanding, it great platform, has really done a lot of changes in my life and I believe that it will do more. Also the best memory I had in 2023, which the day I graduated from secondary school and also the last day we finish our west African examination, indeed I really enjoyed those days and it stand to be the unforgettable day in my soul.

Share any worst memory of 2023.

Yeah, as I said earlier, 2023 is one of the worst year I had ever experienced, since I was born, and it carries lot of worst issues, indeed the worst memory I had in 2023, is the day and lost my beloved uncle who gave up, on 27 may 2023. Indeed the month day and also the year stand to be unforgettable in my lives. I lost my beloved uncle who normally take good care of me, my siblings and also my mother, since my father died, indeed this my uncle, after the death of my father , he has being the one taking good care of us and now he is no more.


Indeed his death really hindered many things in my life and since then we have being experiencing hardship in the higher level, losing himself is like losing the head of our family which is my father, and now he have no other person of fill up that gap, but by believe we will survive. His death is the worst thing that I experience in 2023, that why I said that 2023 is the worst year I experienced as a child. Finally another worst memory is the day I lost my phone and also my power bank which I normally use to access this platform, and since then am finding it more difficult to write quality content because the phone am correctly using is having a lot of fault/problem in it.


Thanks for going through this content, I hope you all enjoyed it, see you all in my next blog and happy New year Beloves. Am inviting @chukwu10 @goodybest @ngoenyi

 9 months ago 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 9 months ago 

Justo como lo dices,los recuerdos son muy importantes, nos permiten revivir momentos del pasado ya sean buenos o malos, y siempre podemos aprender de ellos. Éxitos en el concurso.

 9 months ago 

It's true that there's no success without memory. Infact, memories reminds of our successes encouraging us to do more. Steemit is such a amazing platform anyone can blog on. Personally, with the aid of this platform, I have improved my writing skills, typing skills and earned cool cash from it. Good luck

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