SFS | Steemit Engagement Challenge - S8W3 || Fashion Trends Impacts on Society

in Steem Fashion&Stylelast year (edited)


I hope that you all are doing well, enjoying your happy and healthy life. I am here to share my participation for week 3 of steemit engagement challenge season 8. Week 2 was a fun and now we receive great participations in week 3. So, this contest theme is, fashion trends impacts on on Society.

As we all know fashions are changing everyday and people try to adopt these changes but sometimes these fashion trends are not good and leave a negative impacts on society and on our personality. So, I am here to share my views about fashion trends and due it changes in our society.

What are social issues in fashion?

Many social changes have been highlighted in recent years. There are many companies where fashion accessories are produced but they are giving low wages to their workers which can lead to those workers' rights being abused and being taken advantage of workers.

The fashion industry is also impacting our environment as produces fashion accessories that can lead to waste production, environmental pollution, and water consumption is rising day by day.

For making products fashion companies are using animals such as leather, and fur, but now they can't abuse animals for their profit and these companies have to think about the animal's welfare.

What kind of challenges are in fashion?

The fashion industry is immense and confronts different challenges every day. Now due to the use of social media, there is more awareness of fashion. So, every day they want new and unique things in the fashion industry due to which designers are confronting challenges.

The second thing is customers need sustainable products. As nowadays new brands didn't focus on the sustainability of products they are concerned about only their profit. This is because customers are more concerned about the environmental and social impacts of those non-sustainable products.

The 3rd and most recent challenge that fashion industries are confronting is a disturbance in their supply chain due to COVID-19. Due to this, they confront issues like fewer sales, and impact product formation, which can lead to a challenge for fashion brands and industries.

There is fast competition between different fashion brands and companies nowadays everyone wants to buy online which has been not adopted by everyone. So, every brand and industry has to adapt to new changes in the fashion industry.

What would be the future of fashion?

As I already mentioned above that we have to adapt to all the new changes and confront challenges in the fashion industry. So, in the future of the fashion industry, they have to focus on sustainable fashion, products should be ethically right, and make changes to products according to customers' attitudes.

With the advancement in every field, they have to focus on technical things like more focusing online sales rather than offline sales. This can prevent waste production, increase convenience for customers, customers can order customize items and many more. But the important thing is that don't forget your values and adapt fashion to keep within your cultural limits.

What are the changes you have seen due to fashion trends in yourself?

Due to fashion changes, I become more confident and expressive. I didn't forget our norms and values but adopted fashion within limits which couldn't affect our cultural attires. I can follow some of the new fashion trends but if I can't follow all of them it doesn't matter as I have to do fashion for myself not to show off to other people.

Everyone is unique in their way, you don't need to change according to new fashion trends, they didn't decide that we are fashionable or not, it's up to us how we cope with all these circumstances.

Fashion trends positive & negative impacts on society/ on your personality

Fashion has both positive and negative impacts on society and our personality.

The positive impacts of fashion trends on our society are it boosts our economy as customers demand new and unique products which can increase the need for more employees and economic growth. It can also promote creativity as changes in fashion trends inspire designers to create more unique and creative designs for their customers.

The positive impacts of fashion trends on our personality are we become more confident, can express our feelings, allow designers to show their creativity, and encourage customers to adopt new fashion trends.

The negative impact on personality is people are becoming insecure, promoting a sense of inadequacy as fashion trends change every day, people are becoming more materialistic, and are promoted to conform the fashion trends instead of showing their real sides.

The negative impact of fashion trends is people demand sustainable products and companies make new & unique products on customers' choices. It can promote more waste production, environmental pollution, and workers' rights abuse.


In end, I must say that some fashion trends are good to adopt but it doesn't mean every new trend is good for us. We have to adopt fashion but don't forget our cultural values.

I would like to invite my friends @drhira, @uzma4882, @inspiracion, @pelon23 and @adeljose to participate in our community contest and share their views.

 last year 

Greetings! Thank you for being part of the community and participating in Steemit Engagement Challenge S8-W3"This is really practical theme to be considered seriously for adoption suitable fashion accordingly to your own taste. You have shared your valuable views on different impacts on our society. Thanks for participation. Wish you good luck. Thanks for inviting. Soon I will take out time to drop my entry" .

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 last year 

Thank you for review dear friend.

 last year 

I agree with you about the challenges regarding the fashion trends. Today we are facing a lot of challenges regarding the fashion as you have also describe that there is also abuse that companies are performing towards the animals just for the sake of obtaining leather and fur from them but abuse should not be happen I agree with you in your point.

You highlighted very different and very authentic points in your article. You are right about the future of fashion that it will be very bright and obviously with the passage of time the fashion will be in the high demand we cannot say that as we are progressing the demand of fashion is decreasing,it is increasing rapidly.

There are both the positive effects and negative effects of fashion trends at the society as you have also discussed individually the positive effects first and after that the negative effects and I like your point of view in fact the whole article you explain in a very unique way.

 last year 

Thank you for sharing your review about impacts of fashion trends on society.

 last year 

Welcome sister

 last year 

@ashkhan 🌹🌹🌹
As time goes by fashion and style is changing we need fashion in coming time but inflation has increased so much that it seems almost impossible because fashion and style make you recognized by people. The more fashionable you are, the more you will be respected in the society, because anything beautiful is always appreciated by everyone. You have chosen the best post and hope your post is number one....)

 last year 

Yes, we have to stop these things in our society. Thank you for your kind words and appreciation. Good luck to you too.

 last year 

Hello @ashkhan ,

The fashion industry is facing challenges related to workers' rights, environmental impact, and animal welfare. Customers are increasingly concerned about sustainability and ethical practices. While there is progress being made, there is still a long way to go to make the industry truly sustainable and ethical. Consumers have the power to demand change and it's important for companies to listen and make necessary changes.

Good luck with well wishes to you😊

 last year 

The role of fashion and style is very important in our daily and social life. Although it varies from society to society and community to community. However, when the demand for fashion increases, it has various negative effects on us. For this, many industries and factories will be more and will become the cause of environmental pollution. For this, limited amount of fashion style should be practiced as per requirement. Your presentation was great which told me many unknown things. Thank you very much.

 last year 

Thank you so much for your valuable comment and reading my post. Yes, fashion trends has positive and negative effects as well

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