The Debate (no.22)| I’d follow my heart in decision making

Life will always be full of difficulties and difficult moments and we would always see ourselves in that situation where we would have to make a choice.


This is a very dicey debate because in the real sense we would really need to depend on our heart and on our head to make decisions, none can really function effectively without the other but for the sake of this entry, I’d say I would have to depend on my heart. Sounds stupid right?

Hear me out on why I said I would depend on my heart.
From the hint given to us by @sahnmie

Sometimes, when we face difficult moments or decisions, we find ourselves torn between what our heart wants and what our head tells us. The heart represents our emotions, desires, and intuition, while the head represents logic, reason, and practicality.

He said the heart represents our emotions, desires and intuition. This particular aspect of the heart which is our intuition hits me differently. The emotions we know is not stable and the desires too may be overwhelming but my reason on saying I would depend on my heart is because of the intuitive part of my heart.

The intuition of a man is a part of the spirit and as a believer, I’ve come to know that God speaks to us through our intuition. It’s like that part of us that knows things without knowing how we know them.

I see the holyspirit speak to me every now and then in my intuition and it’s never wrong. In as much as the head represents logic, reason and practicality, these can be limited sometimes regarding destiny decisions. Sometimes we just need to tap knowledge from a part of us deeper than what we see and know as mere men.


For example, let me tell you a real life story of what happened to me. I needed to travel from where I was staying to another part of town in the evening. From my reasoning and practicality, even though is getting late, I could still travel after all it just an hour plus travel and I’ve travelled there a couple of times in the night.

But this particular day, I needed to make a decision. I reasoned it and it was ok to travel because I needed to meet up with an early morning meeting. If I decide to travel early the next morning, I may not meet up but somewhere deep down in my heart I heard that intuitive voice telling me not to travel. I disobeyed my intuition and traveled.

It was a terrible travel because I fell into the hands of one chance people, lost my phone and was stranded in the middle of no where at night.

Since then, I’ve always learnt to follow my heart and my intuition whenever I want to make decisions. I may reason it but will always wait for that still small voice in my spirit to tell me when to go or not.

So with this few points of mine, I hope I’ve been able to convince you and not confuse you that both the head and heart are important part of our decision making but if am to choose one, I’d settle for my heart.

Thank you for your comments and support. I invite @unyime23, @ruthjoe and @patjewell to participate in this contest.


Wow this is really amazing 😍
Nice content my friend I'm glad I stopped by to read it was worth the time spent. I look forward to seeing more amazing content from you 🤭

Thanks friend and best wishes

Hi friend, sorry to have to experience such bad things, your write up is super creative and I agree to your points about choosing our heart to make a decision, best of luck.

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