Wellness Squad | A community to help improve our state of wider well-being!

in Wellness Squad3 years ago

Mental health is fundamental for our life. Though you may get to see many mental health-related topics here and there. But it's very rare to see this while you scroll on this crypto social world, isn't it?

I was feeling the urge to be around a community where we can talk about mental health, share our personal experience, help each other reach a fine state of mind. It's not like I can't find this anywhere else. But as I spend a major portion of time here on this platform and I know there are many like me. So I was feeling the necessity to have a community where we can help each other in our personal journey of developing mental health.

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You may wonder, why I'm choosing this topic?

Well, I have no shame to approve that I suffered a lot from different mental health issues. It's true that I tried to hide this for many years from people around me. But when I joined this network, when I saw how honestly people can express themselves here, without any fear of shame; I also started to talk about it.

It all started when I lost my Father 12 years back. I had a very overwhelming relationship with my father. Losing him was the biggest shock in my life. I was in severe depression, I lost my life goal and I had to go through medication. After a few years, I again find the track of my life with the help of people around me. I know the journey, I know how hard that could be for anyone.

Through my journey, I came to know why taking care of mental health is essential. It's not just some words, It's something real that can help someone you may have no idea how much suffering they are going through.

I'm not an expert on mental health nor I can suggest like any professional. I'm just a commoner who knows the essentiality of mental health and what people also get knowledgeable of this. I may not help you professionally but I can create a place where you can express yourself fearlessly, get emotional support, and who knows, maybe some real help too.

If you are on the same path as me, I would love to see you in the Wellness Squad community. Let's make the community huge so it can make a positive impact to improve our mental health and wellness.

@rem-steem (Moderator of Wellness Squad)

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