Why would we comment on each other's posts? What are the benefits of commenting?

in STEEMIT DIY3 years ago

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Why would we comment on each other's posts?

Many of us don't know that if you post on this platform, you can get votes just like you can get votes by making comments. I think comments are a very important thing because it allows you to build a relationship with a new person very easily. In fact, if you are a good writer and an active member of the platform, then you must know about it and you will always make some suggestive comments on the good quality posts and the posts that your acquaintances and strangers read in front of you. A big thing can be explained very easily through comments. If there are any mistakes in the comments, they can be fixed. The biggest thing is that links can be created. Those who are present can achieve something good in those places where they are most familiar. So you can increase your contact through comments.

What are the benefits of commenting?

Most of the time I just post on the platform and don't make any comments. This is why we can't get to know other users. You will not be able to move forward until you get to know other users. You must get in touch to do something on the phone. So of course everyone will be posting and commenting regularly from now on. It will increase your exposure in the same way as it will create a means of earning for you. Which will help you a lot in the future.

When you go to comment on a post, you must read that post well. You will make small or big comments based on the knowledge you will gain by posting this. It means that you have learned something new and commented on your activities along with it. So much can be done to move forward if we have the will.

New users of this platform who come first post somehow which is why if he does not get any support then he loses interest to post in the future. So I would say to the new ones, in particular, you must post as well as comment. When your acquaintance grows, you will definitely start getting support in your post. And of course, take the time before any post and post with maximum recharge, then your chances of getting support in the post will increase.

Stay Safe, Stay Happy



You are right. Comments is very important to make good network with the others users.

Thanks for understanding.

 3 years ago 

Así mismo es amigo @msharif, mientras interactuemos entre nosotros, entrelazamos un vínculo de amistad para apoyarnos mutuamente con votos y comentarios. Saludos y bendiciones 🤝🙏

Thanks hopefully we can go that way.

 3 years ago 

Many thanks to @msharif for discussing such an important issue with us. we hope that all our members will understand this issue well. Comments are very important to be known.

Thank you so much.

Gracias por la información amigo @msharif, yo casi siempre voto, pero no comento, lo tomaré en cuenta de ahora en adelante.
Saludos y bendiciones.

Thank you for understanding 😊

¡Excelente post! Realmente es muy importante comentar, pero sobretodo cuando una publicación es de calidad y de verdad nos guste.

¡Concuerdo contigo totalmente! Es importante la interacción en la plataforma

In fact this is how the relationship begins. In this way we will all move forward by helping one another.

Saludos, importante información, pertenezco a la comunidad de recién llegados, ya superé el Logro 4, y explorando lo concerniente a la consigna 1 del logro 5, me tope con este post, y me adhiero a la idea de la importancia de comentar todo trabajo hecho, es la más satisfactoria recompensa por tu esfuerzo, el saber que otra persona se interesó en tus escritos, te votó, y comentó, alienta el espíritu creador, renueva fuerzas y aporta felicidad, así lo creo, obvio que está el interés por las recompensas monetarias, pero eso es la añadidura al resto de beneficios por sencillamente comentar con autoridad, sencillez, alegría y deseos de superación, gracias por tu trabajo.

Thanks for sharing such a nice comment with us.

 3 years ago 

Thank you for sharing the important thing with us.

Thank you 😊

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