New times to know the world of photography

in STEEMIT DIY3 years ago


Everyone has their own hobbies and talents, so that their talents will be developed into a profession in life so that they are known and famous for the profession they play. a photographer plays the role of a person who captures important moments and will leave history through the lens of the camera.
So without any documents, history will be difficult to remember or to pass on to their children later. the role of a photographer is needed by all parties to capture the moments that will leave the story.


there are some people who make a historical story of the past by changing the color of the photo to black and white. This means that the photo was taken at a time when colors were not yet familiar with both photographic cameras and film cameras. Everyone knows there are fighters because there are pictures that tell how difficult it was for people to face invaders in various parts of the world so that they can be enjoyed safely as they are today.
someone great who can even make the world go out with just one step also begins his career with the services of a photographer. I can give examples of school people from the first time they were educated in elementary school. The first condition that was asked for was a passport photo as an identification tool at the school, even the photo was used until the world of education was finished. then after that to continue to university the most important thing needed is a photo, and so on until making personal documents.




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