You Don't Easily Leave The Place You Call "Home" - More Squirrel Shenanigans That Represent Real Life!

in Inner Blocks4 years ago (edited)

I spoke a little too soon. The squirrels I talked about yesterday have not left! No! They are very much present, and I think they are laughing at me.

I don't care who you are - a human, a squirrel, a zombie, or something in between - you just don't give up on "home".

I Declared Victory Too Early!

With all of the noise the contractor had made over the prior two days and then 24 hours plus with no evidence of squirrel movement, I thought I could revel in victory, but I was wrong.

Last night while my family gathered around the dinner table (and by the way, families should eat dinner together - a post for another day), I heard it. I heard the dreaded sound of scratching and scrambling. The invaders had not left. They tricked me! They hunkered down like many creatures do when they feel attacked, and they rode out the storm to the other side.

While my family was eating, they decided to throw a little squirrel party complete with squirrel dancing and other squirrel shenanigans. I terribly underestimated their "stored treasures."


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A Foreign Land Became My Home

If you have been following me for some time, you probably have heard me talk about my life overseas. I can't recall the exact moment, but it became clear to me that I started viewing my "host" culture as home instead of my "home" culture as home.

Why? Because I begin storing up "treasures", just like those blasted squirrels have done!

And now that I have reoriented my life back in the United States, my heart gradually reorients as well.

Treasure #1 - Family

There is something unique about the place where you raise your children. I would almost bet money that there is a Momma and Pappa squirrel up in the attic with a new litter of baby squirrels. Protecting your young runs deep in your bones. Protecting the place where you raise your young runs equally deep. Even squirrels know that!

Treasure #2 - Wealth

Again, if I were a betting man, I would guarantee that there is a pile of acorns or some other type of nut up in the attic. Squirrels may be destructive rodents, but they are not lazy.

People and squirrels protect the things they have gathered. Why? Because it takes time and effort to do the gathering. And to give up the stash house without a fight would just be plain ridiculous. Guarding what has already been accomplished oftentimes is less challenging and time-consuming than starting over.

Treasure #3 - Sense of Security/Safety

There are no other creatures up the attic (at least not to my knowledge). There are no predators or obvious threats. The squirrels have found a safe place, dare I saw a comfortable place, that protects them from the elements and their adversaries.

That means something, to homosapiens and sciuridae alike

Final Thoughts

As I watch people in this world, I see the pursuit of the same "stored treasures." Think of the man or woman from another country (perhaps legally, perhaps not) whose children were born and raised in a "promise land." That is an opportunity that people try to guard and protect.

Think of the people who start a new business from the ground up and labor for years, and then one day, success comes their way. That is something that they don't easily give up! They are willing to fight to defend the fruits of their labor.

Think of the men, women, and children, who don't have a place to sleep tonight or won't have food on the table - like my wife is cooking right now. Think about the beaten, broken, and rejected. They are searching for safety and security. That is a treasure they long for.

That is what "home" is - not a building, but a place where you feel loved and safe.

Thanks for stopping by!

Disclaimer: I may post this article to other blogging sites that I have accounts with.


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