Is it time to support the CANZUK union?

I always felt that Canada had an interesting form of government. Our head of state isn't an elected position (Prime Minister); our head of state is a Governor-General who administers on behalf of the Queen. The GG can form coalition governments (if there is a failure in confidence in administration) and has the right of veto. That Veto right is probably a single shot. A powerful enough government would eliminate the position immediately afterwards. That right still exists. If the Canadian government decided to do something ridiculous, like invading Midsomershire, the GG under the guidance of the Queen could veto that. If someone reading this thinks it is a good idea and the UN might adopt this role for all nations, the Queen is uniquely positioned. She is vaguely in favour of the well-being of Canadians but, unlike her successor, doesn't have an agenda on any topic. She has the wisdom, as far as I can tell to keep her good intentions to herself.

I favour creating a closer alliance between the CANZUK nations, but with less Anglo-Saxon emphasis noted in the video. English history is as ancient history to most Canadians. Very few people can list off the Kings and Queens. I don't know if many Canadians can successfully name our Prime Ministers. I'm not even confident of the National Anthem. The powers that be didn't cc me on the changes decades ago.

In putting CANZUK together, I think we can learn lessons from Brexit and the UN. It is unwise to give too much power to any body that is to coordinate administration. Both the EU and the UN put in place immigration policies that superseded the feelings of individuals in the represented societies. It is impossible to maintain a social welfare system and have unrestricted immigration. Is it fair that Canada has communities without safe drinking water or people living on the street and having "irregular" immigrants pass through a safe country (USA) to have free housing, free superior healthcare, and free-living expenses? How many would choose Canada if they settled in the bush with my ancestors' implements - axe and plow? I wouldn't have an issue with immigration if the government handled it fairly. There is a difference between immigration and invasion.

It doesn't even need to be an issue as contentious as immigration. Canada has a policy of supply management in the dairy industry. Britain had a similar system a few decades ago. The EU ruled to abandon the practice. Surpluses ended up devastating the dairy industry in some African nations. It is different to negotiate and agree than to have some political body dictate.

I am in favour of CANZUK, but I feel we must choose the path wisely.


I'm a Brit-Pat living in Toronto, so didn't get educated the Canadian way, but I wonder if you were taught the same as us or differently on this point you made:

That Veto right is probably a single shot. A powerful enough government would eliminate the position immediately afterwards. That right still exists.<<

It's basically a type of emergency brake - The Queen can overthrow a PM that becomes a dictator, and the laws that came from the Magna Carta stop the Monarch also being a dictator. The Queen/Monarch is supposed to remain apolitical and allow the government to run things as it sees fit, however, as you rightly point out there is a power of veto - that brake was last pulled in 1708 by Queen Anne over the "Scottish Militia Bill".

That bill and the idea of an emergency brake neatly brings us to a modern example of what happens when you remove that brake. The US example of Jan 6th, shows that when an Elected President goes rogue, and the military is supposed to follow orders of it's Commander in Chief (the President), you're only minutes away from a potential coup. Under the Commonwealth system, the military is controlled by the Government, but has allegiance with the Monarch - meaning if Trudeau, for instance, went full-Trump and tried to do the same, every military of the Commonwealth would come help the Canadian Military to restore order under the Monarch.

Of course, this is all hypothetical since nobody has pulled that chain - but that's what is supposed to happen.

I gave my response here


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