Cattle facing troubles of feeding due to burning of grasses

in SteemFarm-Market2 years ago


Apart from certain plant protein like beans, cowpea and other plant products, animals are the secondary protein that initiate growth and build our cells for healthy growth. Even a higher percentage of people depends on animal protein as compared to plant protein. Hence, animals must be treated well for the quality of their by-products such as carcass, milk and eggs.

When there is lean season, forage and grasses become scarce to feed the farm animals. So most of farmers depends on manufactured feeds such as concentrate and other formulated feed to feed most of their animals. But, the question is what about some some ruminants like cattle, goat and sheep which mostly depends on forage or grasses for survival? They are always troubled during the lean seasons when most grasses are dried.

The most worse part is that people also burn the grasses or vegetation for their personal gains like bush meat and farming activities. Even though, when grasses are burned new fresh grasses emerge for the animals to depend on, but there are areas that should be left for the animals to feed on.

Today, I happened to visit a site where cattle were struggling in search of grasses to feed on. The Herdsman's was better was trouble leading these cattle on the pasture land. I found the bush severely burnt including the small shrubs.






That was indeed a bad practices, as it affect the cattle in so many instances like,

  • reduction in production of milk and meat.

  • The animals may also lose weight and become emaciated

  • In severe situation, the animal may be sick and finally die.
  • The calf on lactating may end up not getting enough breast milk from the mother.
  • General productivity of animals may decline.

I think, we need attitudinal change as Community members to think about how the World would be affected if the productivity is declined. The food economy is affected and can lead to food crisis. If less cattle is produced, then there would be decline of protein intake for the body even though other protein products may be there but would not be in large quantities.

Thanks for your attention!

 2 years ago 

The cattles are really going through a lot, they have really lose weight and looks dull as a result of hunger.
This attitude of bush burning should stop.

I feel very sorry when I see cattle that are thin due to lack of food, especially cows that are difficult to get leaves, is it now autumn there or is there something that makes it difficult for these cattle

 2 years ago 

OMG. It's a very bad condition for animals and especially looking for buffaloes. I pray for rain and pray for getting better. Your cattle are looking so weak.

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