The Dairy Game || BetterLife || @padmore [ 28-07-2021 ]

in Beautiful World3 years ago

Hello hello everyone, I am very happy for this contest and I want to participate fully by sharing my daily activities, what I did the previous day.

Yesterday was Wednesday, July 28, 2021. My alarm woke me up at exactly 6:30am, but because I had a class at 7:30am, I could not go to the gym because I will be very tired and feel dizzy in the class or even go late for the lecture. For that matter, I only had to use some 20 minutes to do some small workout in the room, to stretch my muscles.
After the workout, I took my bath and left for lectures. I got to campus at 7:00am and revised my notes before the lecturer came. The class lasted for 2 hours, that is, we closed at 9:30am.
I then returned back to the hostel to take my breakfast. After taking the breakfast, I relaxed for two hours with my hostel guys, while I waited for the next lecture at 2:45pm.


My friend and myself in the class

My classmates

When it was 1:45pm, I started moving towards campus, because I always want to sit in front in order to have come complete concentration. When it was getting to time for the lecture, the other students came around followed by the lecturer and the class the started. Just like the first one, it also lasted for two hours, after which the lecturer gave us assignment to take home. This was the last lecture for the day, so we all returned to our various hostels to rest, and prepare some food and also prepare for Biochemistry practical quiz we have the following day.

Going back to the hostel after class

Preparing supper

Immediately I returned to the hostel, I started cooking food for supper, when it was ready, I ate and took my bath and set off to class again for person studies, in order to prepare for the following day's quiz. I spent only four hours in the class revising my notes and making searches in order to make sure I am well prepared before going to bed. I returned to the hostel at exactly 11:27pm, prayed and then rested for the following day.

These were my activities for the day
Thank you

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