Is attachment love?

in ecoTrain4 years ago

younggirl531252_960_720.webpYoung girl by Bergadder in Pixabay


Is attachment love?

No. And, although it may seem radical, from my point of view, they are two states of consciousness that many people treat as synonymous, and between them, there is an ocean of difference.

Love is a sublime energy that moves among all living beings. It liberates, it is not static, it does not hook, it does not predispose, it does not use, it does not pressure, it does not drown, it does not drag, it does not demand sacrifices, it does not harm... simply, it is LOVE.

Attachments constitute a toxic energy that imprisons, impassions, envelops, seduces, manipulates, pushes like a thorn... it hurts. It looks like love, but it is not.

Drosera by Bergadder in Pixbay

Many times, when you love, you create attachments. But, this is generated more by certain unhealthy mental conditions than by spiritual flows. The more we love, the more we let go, the more we believe, the more we trust, the more we flow in the Universe. On the contrary, the greater the attachment, the greater the obsession, the greater the fear, the greater the psychological pain, the greater the anxiety and sadness.

There are many attachments: to life, to people, to spaces, to money, to luxuries, to objects. But there is only one LOVE.

And that is that love is omnipresent, is in everything and everyone. It is omnipotent, it has the power to create multiverses. It simply is, it does not need clothes, nor masks, nor subterfuges; it is presented as it is in front of... "He who has eyes to see (beyond the evident) and he who has ears to hear (beyond words)".

rose266611_960_720.webpRose by Bergadder in Pixbay

The states of consciousness determine the level of joy or suffering with which one faces life. Pain is a source of learning, as is trust and faith. We learn, according to our inner growth and the needs of our spirit in constant formation.

We learn from love or from pain. If you need to catch, you get attached and suffer. If you need to release, you love and glorify. And this LOVE is joy and enjoyment: without attachment, without selfishness, without possession, without cage ... without attachment.

If you need to possess, you feel the need to be missed and fear of being forgotten: you are attached. If you need to flow and feel the need to give and give of yourself, without expecting anything in return, then you love.

Profile by Bergadder in Pixbay


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Now is the $100 question. Does my dog love me or is it just attached?

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