in ecoTrainlast year

Today is a happy day for my people!

When the Little-Peppers do their chores, they enjoy the outside time with our animals. It's a special and rewarding time to begin with, but when you're greeted with a new baby lamb, it makes it so much more precious of a time.

The lamb is a eweling, and she's a cross between her Jacob's Sheep father and her Shetland-Finnsheep mother. She has no name yet, but the Little-Peppers have been naming the ones born to this ewe after berries, so we'll see what they come up with. Since today is also my father's birthday, "Grandpa-Pepper," we may ask him. At least he's got another birthday buddy! Enjoy the photos!


Until next time…

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Hello my friend! 😊

Oh my, that's a cute little gal that @grandpa-pepper, (please wish him a Happy Birthday from me, though he doesn't know who I am, never mind,) is blessed to share a birthday with, such a nice birthday present. 😊

God bless you and your wonderful family. Have an awesome day my fabulous friend! 😊

You're most welcome @grandpa-pepper. I know they made it special for you. I wish you many, many more to come. Grandparents are a beautiful blessing. 😊

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