ecoTrain QOTW : "What do you do to stay balanced and positive whilst on lockdown?"

in ecoTrain4 years ago (edited)

I am not sure whether I qualify to answer this question or not, but I will still write about how my days are going. Even if there would have been a no lockdown my days would have still been the same of what I am going through right now.
So I am today on the 25th day lockdown at the hospital with my husband for his treatment. It has been extremely tough last 3 months for us. For the first 2 months we have been in and out of hospital with his treatments, but it was like all going nowhere. From beginning of March we have been again at the hospital and getting his treatment done.
To avoid any hassles of the virus and the lockdown and moreover from safety point of view I have based myself at the hospital itself. Even if there would have been no lockdown, I would have still done the same, because I want to be by his side all the time.


What do I do at the hospital? But let me tell you first being day and night at the hospital is not an easy thing, it really needs a lot of mental boost to be confining yourself in such a place. For the first 17 days he was in ICU, so I was staying in the waiting area for the attendant. The waiting area was comfortable, it had 1 recliner chair for each attendant and basic necessities like a common washroom and water dispenser. For the food there is a common hospital cafeteria where food of good quality standards is available. In the waiting area there were also small meeting rooms. My day would start at around 7. ICU would have limited meeting timings, the first one would be from 8 to 8.15, then from 11 to 12 and then from 5 to 7. Inbetween time they would randomly call sometime when the Doctors would visit and they would want to apprise of the situation or if they are doing some test, they would need my presence. Nothing would be fixed of when what will happen, also time and again he would go breathless and they would want me to be by his side. So then it was best for me to be there 24x7. These 17 days were a bit of craziness, because a lot of uncertainty was there.

But still I would try to maintain some sanity. Morning time I would spend on doing Yoga and Meditation everyday. I would see the difference with it in the flow of the day. There were some very critical panic moments but then I would be very much in control and everyone around would compliment me for the way I was able to manage the situation. Another one thing I used to do was a bit of a counselling to other attendants. There were couple of them whose family member were in critical situation, I would see them crying and being tensed. I would spend some time with them, make them do some Aum chanting, giving them positive talks and trying to cheer them up. I was feeling good, while I was fighting my own battle, I still had the courage to be there for others and make a difference to them. And I could do all of this because of my years of practice.


I have always believed in walking my talk, there are times when people tell me, it is easy to say then to do. But I tell them it's all in the mind, if we behave fearful then nothing can help us. To stay balanced and positive it's not a day's job or you just think you will be positive and it will happen. It is a gradual process and that can be achieved with a lot of inner work and a regular Meditation practice. I keep emphasizing on the Meditation practice to everyone to do it on a daily basis, even if it is just for 10 minutes. It will make a whole lot of difference in your overall personality.

Now he has been shifted out from ICU to a normal room and it is much more relaxed as his condition is also improving.
A lot of time goes in his physiotherapy activities. There are days when till late afternoon I am busy with his activities and then only towards evening I have some free time, which I spend making my blogs. I am feeling time is flying for me and in a way good, I want this time to fly away as soon as possible. We will be in the hospital for a week more may be and yes now I do want to get back home and settle down. I want to spend some relax time at home. I am not sure when the lockdown will open up, but I am in no hurry of it. I feel it should remain till the time we feel we are in safety zone.
I have loads and loads of things to catch up on after going back home, so I don't think in anyway I am going to feel low being at home all the time. Moreover my home has a beautiful location, we have a garden and a small walking track, so I am not going to be completely confined in 4 walls.
I have a lot of Crystal and Reading work to be done and I need time for that, so once I am back home, ofcourse the care for my hubby's health continue and besides that I will catch up on the pending stuff that has been long waiting.

One thing that I would want to advice here is, I know this is a difficult phase and not everyone is prepared mentally to face this, but please please keep away from all the social media messages that keep spreading like fire. They are the ones that bring the maximum harm to our mental health. The freaking Whatsapp messages are something that one should avoid the most. By now we all know what needs to be done to be safe, so just follow that and keep spreading out good vibrations into the universe.

Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸

"Unlimited Abundance, Blissful Happiness and Unconditional Love"

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wow.. thank god he is improving and out of ICU.. that is SOMETHING>. i can only imagine how challenging this must be for you.. in SO many ways.. layers and layers.. all i can do is congratulate you for holding your head up so high and managing to continue to be such a good support for your husband.. I pray for you both <3

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