The Immoral Reality Of Billionaires

in Deep Dives4 years ago

For someone who earns 100,000 dollars per year, and saves every penny of it, it would take 10 years to become a millionaire. For that same person it would take 10,000 years to become a billionaire. I just want to get that out of the way because when talking about billionaires, people tend to lose sight of how damn much money that really is...

source: Wikimedia Commons

Another way to express the insanity of owning a billion dollars is to measure time in seconds: 1 million seconds is less than 12 days, whereas 1 billion seconds is approximately 32 years. Want another one? A million dollars in 100 dollar bills would make a stack the height of a chair, and a billion dollars in 100 dollar bills would stack up to a height taller than any existing structure on the planet. And that's just 1 billion. And 10 million dollars is already an insane amount of money to possess. Now that you've got an idea of the proportions, you'll agree that trying to argue that someone like Bernie Sanders is a hypocrite or on an equal footing as someone like Bill Gates or Richard Branson, like centrists and right wingers did during the Democratic primaries, is absolute nonsense. In my opinion a million dollar is already too much money for one person to possess, but a billion dollars isn't even remotely comparable and anything more is simply immoral.

The immorality is in the choice any billionaire, let alone multi-billionaire, makes; every single one of could choose to end many, if not most of the world's problems. They choose to not do that, but instead choose to apply their insane riches toward the goal of getting even richer. The so called charitable contributions they occasionally indulge in, are part of that same plan; it excuses them for having that much power and money in the minds of us poor people. "How could you be against billionaires? Look at all the good things they do with their money!" Problem is that they become rich by the same system that causes all the problems they then spend a tiny fraction of their wealth on to alleviate. Alleviate, never solve, because that system, capitalism, only functions because of the problems it causes. Billionaires all make their money by exploiting people and the planet we all live on; the only other way is to inherit the riches.

The founder and owner of Amazon, Jeff Bezos, is the richest person on earth, yet he can't be bothered to pay his "front-line workers", you know, the ones who keep the economy running during the pandemic, a living wage. What's more, many of his employees are depending on food-stamps and subsidized housing, which creates the even more perverse reality that we, the taxpayers, pay for them to survive... If a billionaire who has only 1 billion dollars gave away 99 percent, he would still have 100 million dollars left, he would still be insanely rich. If all billionaires did that, all of the world's problems could be solved, just like that. But they choose not to. It's insane, in my opinion, to continue a system that gives so much power to so few individuals, because even if they did decide to give away most of their wealth, which they won't, they would be the ones deciding where, how and on whom that money would be spent on; that's an insane amount of power to have. Insane. The below linked video further explores the insanity of the mere existence of billionaires, and why they shouldn't exist at all. Bernie Sanders said as much during the primaries, but he was stabbed in the back by the Democratic party establishment on behalf of the billionaires, so we now get the corporate - and billionaire friendly Joe Biden to take on the self-proclaimed billionaire fascist in less than 2 weeks...

Why Billionaires Shouldn't Exist

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