From 9/11 To Antifa

in Deep Dives4 years ago

Antifa is a domestic terrorist organization. This is what Republicans, as well as other fear-mongers, would have the American public believe. The spreading of this obvious lie is part of a greater plan to stamp down on dissent and restrict Americans' 1st Amendment right to free speech. To the ruling elite, free people, especially if they are united, are but a pain in the ass...


source: YouTube

Remember how in Iraq Improvised Explosive Devices or IEDs were used by so called terrorists against American soldiers? We all saw the destructive and deadly force of those improvised explosives, and that those explosives didn't discriminate between enemy forces and Iraqi people. "IED" was a regularly used term in the reporting of terrorist forces, not only in Iraq but in other countries as well. This term is now automatically linked to the worst kinds of terrorist attacks in the subconscious minds of Americans and other western citizens. Now ask yourself why Republican representative Kelly Armstrong used the term "Improvised Explosive Device" when discussing the looting and burning in Portland during the protests.

This is done with one goal in mind: to further the believe that Antifa is an organized group of extreme left terrorists, which is in turn part of the Republicans' strategy to sow fear of leftist policies and politicians among the American public. The language of counter-terrorism was first used against foreign enemies, but is now also used against immigrants and now the Republican party's domestic opponents. They'll accuse leftists of committing acts of violence when in reality most violence comes from far right domestic terrorists. And protests turn violent only after disproportionate use of police force have turned them violent. One of the Portland protesters in the below linked video describes the process as follows:

"We came out here dressed in T-shirts and doing hula-hoops and stuff, and they started gassing us, so we came back with respirators, and they started shooting us, so we came back with vests, they started aiming for the heads, so we started wearing helmets, and now they call us terrorists..."

As the title of this post already implies, the current disproportionate use of police force against protesters was prepared in the immediate aftermath of the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001 with the creation of the Department of Homeland Security. The united, free people I mentioned in the introduction, come in the form of left leaning protesters who demand from their leaders to be treated fairly; when after 9/11 the people were united against a foreign threat, they are now facing a domestic threat in their own government. In relation to the rhetoric used by right wing political agitators, it has to be mentioned that the term "Homeland" was used by Nazi's when they spoke of the glorious history of their nation. Prominent divisions within DHS are U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and the Border Patrol Security; these are the Federal Agents Trump and the Republicans sent to Portland to "help" contain the civil unrest. After 9/11 the then president George W. Bush and his Republican administration claimed that the terrorists used America's "free and open society" against itself, and the Patriot Act and DHS were measures to make America less free and less open. From then on, immigrants were treated... let's say: differently.

With the measures taken after 9/11 the groundwork was done to facilitate the rise of an authoritarian leader like Trump in America, and his administration now sends agents from ICE and BPS to Portland to stamp down on protesters who are linked in their rhetoric to domestic terrorist organizations" like Antifa and Black Lives Matter. Antifa isn't even an organization, it's an anti-fascist ideology. If you want to get rid of Antifa, there's a simple solution: get rid of the fascists, or at the very least, stop emboldening them with a POTUS that refuses to denounce white supremacy, white nationalism, neo-Nazis and other fascistoid groups in society. For a more in-depth explanation of how 9/11 and police brutality against protesters are related, I invite you to watch the below linked video.

How Portland And Antifa Brought The War On Terror Home

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I'm not a Republican - Antifa is indeed a domestic terrorist org. And they are funded by all sorts of enemies, foreign and domestic who seek the demise of this Constitutional Republic. They are burning down cities, beating innocent people, even murdering- they are lawless anarchists who are doing the bidding of NWO scumbags who want to see America destroyed. Ive been face to face with the cowardly bullies in the street. Im all for 10% uncensored FREE SPEECH however an individuals rights end where another begins- Antifa terrorists do not honor this simple yet profound principle.

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