Culture Of FearsteemCreated with Sketch.

in Deep Dives4 years ago

As I do these daily posts it's becoming clear to me that we're approaching, as a global society, a point of no return. Or maybe we've passed that point already and it's only a matter of time before we, the people, pick up the proverbial pitchforks against the state-backed corporatocracy.


Image by Wokandapix - source: Pixabay

Every day there's something in "the news" that makes my blood boil, but there's also a slower process, one of decades long in which I've seen the pressure and temperature rise among my peers, and that's the slow build-up towards a global culture of fear, a deliberate development spearheaded by the "leader of the free world". We've recently seen that George Floyd, a black man, was murdered by the police during his arrest. Mr. Floyd repeatedly said "I can't breathe" while a policeman held him down while leaning with his knee on the victim's neck. The policeman's colleagues just stood there and bystanders repeatedly asked why the policeman still held the victim down, even asked to please check his pulse. The police didn't listen and George Floyd died on the spot.

This has of course resulted in a popular uprising and "civil unrest" in Minneapolis; yes there were burning and riots, and that's only to be expected because fighting back through the "democracy" obviously doesn't work at all. It's as if political parties and leaders have come to the agreement that they'd rather count on fear than count on trust, now that it's becoming increasingly clear that we, the people, can not trust our political leaders or the "democracy". Now, the riots and burning are being covered on site by a CNN life crew, with a black reporter standing between a number of policemen describing the events. This reporter is then cut off by the police with the words "you are under arrest"... The reporter asks politely why, he shows his press credentials, but to no avail: he and his entire crew are indeed arrested and taken away. In the second video at the end of this post it's mentioned that only a few blocks away there was another news-crew with a white reporter; they didn't get arrested.

Police Kill Unarmed Black Man w/ Knee On Neck As He Says He Can't Breathe

The CNN news-crew that got arrested are already released. The prosecution of the policeman who started this all is supposedly underway, but as mentioned in the first video, this will take some effort yet; it's very hard to get an officer of the law convicted for murder or manslaughter. But that's all not the point of this post; even if the crew is released, and even if justice will be served and the officers involved will be punished by the full extent of the law, it's already too late, because the intended goal here has already been served. Colored people and the media have been put in their place. They're reminded of what their place is in the corporatocracy, that the authorities rule by fear rather than by trust and that they should always fear something bad happening to them if they dare to speak up against those authorities. Look at how the policeman are dressed in their shiny new militarized uniforms, armed with guns and sticks, dressed in black complete with face-masks and bulletproof vests; it's a show of intimidation all intended to strike fear into the hearts of we, the people. Especially if you're of dark skin and male of course.

This has been slowly building, at the very least since September 11 2001, when the governments of the world started to introduce terrorist "threat levels" in color-codes. When democracy devolves into an oligarchy and trust is gone, fear is all that's left for those in power. Here's what Nazi leader Herman Göring had to say about the rule of fear:

"The people don't want war, but they can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. This is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and for exposing the country to danger. It works the same in every country."
source: Wikipedia

Krystal and Saagar REACT: CNN reporter arrested on LIVE TV in Minneapolis

Compare that to what happened with the anti terrorist wars after 9/11... Fear is seeded deep in our primitive reptilian brains and subconsciousness, and is ubiquitously used in corporate communication; I believe many of you will be familiar with the use of a culture of fear in the workplace. You either adapt to the corporation's (new) rules, or you lose your job. You don't talk back to the manager, or you risk losing your job. Even in commercials and advertisements they play on fear, the fear of missing out on all the happiness you see displayed on the faces of the users of product X. Even something as simple as saying that a special offer has an expiration date creates a sense of urgency that's based on that fear of missing out. That's right: FOMO isn't exclusively reserved for us crypto-heads ;-) And heck, the whole "scarcity mindset" associated with the capitalist economy is based on the fear that there's never enough...

Mussolini once said "fascism should more properly be called corporatism, since it is the merger of state and corporate power" which amounts to fascism being the state of society in which corporate power is indistinguishable from political power; that's exactly where we are now. The authoritarian leadership of fear in the corporate workplace is now copied one-on-one in the public sphere and political reality. Fascism is, among other things, the belief in one strong party or leader and totalitarian control of a nation and its economy; that's exactly how corporations are run.

And all this SHOULD make you mad, especially if you're an American citizen and even more so if you're a colored American citizen. We need to keep resisting this because the alternative is giving in to the fear, and then we've already lost. And please note that this doesn't mean that Trump is a fascist necessarily, even though much of his rhetoric and actions point in that direction; there's no one person to blame here, nor is it useful or realistic to blame the voters or any one billionaire owner of a large corporation. We're literally in this together, we're all complicit in the sense that we've all been able to see the slow build-up to this eerie point in time, and we've all let it happen. All we can do is resist in the ways that are available to us, and to spread as much honest and independent information as we can for as long as we can. I'm worried though, and I'm sad, and angry, but that's all we have left by now; fear or anger, because trust and hope have been all but erased from any possible immediate or mid-term future. If Biden wins in November we've lost. If Trump wins we've lost. The CNN crew has been released, but we've lost. The officers may be convicted, but we, George Floyd and his family have already lost. Oh how I wish I had some positive words to close with...

Krystal Ball: The populist uprising arrives

Thanks so much for visiting my blog and reading my posts dear reader, I appreciate that a lot :-) If you like my content, please consider leaving a comment, upvote or resteem. I'll be back here tomorrow and sincerely hope you'll join me. Until then, keep safe, keep healthy!

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I hope that policeman will pay with his karma.

I believe he will... :-)

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