Coronavirus Files – October 2021

in Deep Dives3 years ago

Coronavirus Files - October 2021-4835301_1920.jpg

In October, the tightening with introduction of totalitaran Covid Passes, and threatening with mandatory ‘vaccinations’ were obvious, and not ‘a conspiracy theory’ any more. Affairs are springing all over the World, and with them the resistance is growing…

Successful resistance means good organization which, unfortunately, does not exist yet. Nevertheless, we are witnessing the awakening of a growing part of the people, which can be seen through more frequent and more violent protests. Soon, they will reach a point where Globalists will need a great deterrence in an attempt to evade the responsibility…

Creating an archive of Coronavirus texts in English and Serbian will not only allow evidence of the greatest global hoax to remain on the blockchain platform, but will also make it easier to search for all the evidences of a Hoax.

Timeline is going from the bottom of the text up.

259. Позив на литију свенародног сабрања у Смедереву (Serbian) (Oct. 31th)

Последњег дана октобра била је заказана још једна литија у Смедереву. Овог пута она је била више од литије – она је прерасла у борбу за опстанак!

258. Сумњиво саопштење за штампу о Фајзер/Бионтек појачивачу (Oct. 25th – Serbian)

Превара из дана у дан добија све гротескније размере. Фајзер и Бионтек објавили су 21. октобра саопштење у коме поносно представљају бустер (појачивач) дозу своје ‘вакцине’ као изузетно ефикасну, наводећи чак 95,6% вишу ефикасност у односу на вакцинисане са две дозе без појачивача. Ову скандалозну лаж лепо је развалио наш @stayoutoftherz, па вам на увид представљам превод његове анализе овог криминалног саопштења.

* * * Original text in German and English * * *

257. “Let’s go Brandon!” goes Global (Oct. 26th)

I really can’t decide whether I loath censorship, lies or hypocrisy the most. Therefore, it is easier to loath all three when they are tied up together like in the case of banning out of YouTube a global smash hit “Let’s go Brandon!” by Bryson Gray…


256. Ivermectin – True Story [eng/срп] Ивермектин – истинита прича (Oct. 25th)

If there is still someone to whom it is not entirely clear – the mechanism of corporate media does not serve to inform, but to disinform. The best proof is the shameless propaganda of the corporate media about Ivermectin as a ‘horse medicine’. Here you can find a true story about this excellent medicine and its creators, Satoshi Omura and William C. Campbell, who shared the Nobel Prize in HUMAN Medicine…

255. Serbia: Discriminated citizens [eng/срп] Србија: Грађани другог реда (Oct. 24th)

Despite the disappointingly small number of people who gathered last night at the protest in Smederevo, Serbia, the atmosphere was at a high level. About a hundred of the most determined (roughly like the first night) demonstrated this time with a yellow ribbon – the symbol of discrimination during the Nazi regime served as a warning that the regime’s introduction of second-class citizens was in fact an introduction to the new fascist order.

254. Call to Protest Against Covid Passes in Smederevo [eng/срп] Позив на потест против ковид пропусница у Смедереву (Oct. 23th)

Last night, it rained heavily in Smederevo, but despite that, about forty people gathered on the square to protest. The most determined ones held a protest with a song, socializing and and planning for today’s protest, which, according to some estimations, could be significantly more massive than the first three…

253. First Incidents – Protests Against Covid Passes in Serbia [eng/срп] Први инциденти – Протести против ковид пропусница у Србији (Oct. 22nd)

New protests in Serbia against Covid passes began again at eight o’clock with the blockade of roads in the largest cities. On the second day of the protest, there were more people and more opportunities for incidents. Report from Smederevo…

252. Protests Against Covid Passes in Serbia [eng/срп] Протести против Ковид пропусница у Србији (Oct. 21st)

Just ten hours after the announcement of the introduction of Covid passes, the people started spontaneous protest gatherings in Serbia. So far, protests have been registered in Belgrade, Nish, Novi Sad, Smederevo…

251. BREAKING NEWS: Covid Passes in Serbia! [eng/срп] УДАРНА ВЕСТ: Ковид пропуснице у Србији! (Oct. 20th)

As soon as the introduction of covid passes in NATO countries began, it was clear that the colonial administration in Serbia would do the same thing, and we announced that. They were little late because they have searched for a modality that would not immediately provoke a massive resistance. And they have found one…

250. Too Honest to run the Corporate Media? [eng/срп] Превише поштен да би водио корпоративни медиј? (Oct. 20th)

On August 2nd this year, an extraordinary event took place in the world of corporate media: An editor-in-chief publicly apologized to readers for propaganda (or simply said – false) reporting on a ‘pandemic’. The man who dared to betray the corporate media bosses and their horror story in this way was – no less, no more – than the editor-in-chief of the powerful German tabloid Bild, Julian Reichelt. He publicly apologized to the children for “the policy that has made them victims of violence, neglect, isolation and loneliness over the past year and a half.” For a relentless fear campaign…

249. Hinky Philanthropist [eng/срп] Нервозни филантроп (Oct. 19th)

Probably most of you have already seen a fascinating interview that Bill Gates gave to Judy Woodruff of PBS news. And probably the most of you – as experienced human beings – could easily sense that this ‘philanthropist’ is not honest. See at the following link how our @leecamp expressed his suspicion in his show dedicated to a prominent psychopath… ‘philanthropist’.

And also see this: “Revealed: Documents Show Bill Gates Has Given $319 Million to Media Outlets”


248. A Pinnacle of Absurdity [eng/срп] Врхунац апсурда (Oct. 18th)

The latest wave of mass protests around the World began after the expected step announced by ‘conspiracy theorists’ a long time ago – the introduction of vaccination passports for all employees. This tyrannical measure is adopted by state governments without the consent of parliaments and people, which not only provokes a bitter reaction, but threatens to completely block supply chains, because there will not be enough labor force ready to agree to an experiment on their own health. Can you imagine a scenario for a faster social breakdown?

And so we come to the pinnacle of the absurdity in global tyranny: World governments that are, under the baton of the WHO, ‘saving the World' from a disease with a mortality rate of 0.0233%, by beating people in the streets (as in Australia) and preventing them to earn a living, even though starvation mortality is confirmed at 100%!

247. Vaccine Report [eng/срп] Извештај о вакцинама (Oct. 14th)

Since the beginning of the ‘vaccination’, there have been reports of tragedies of people who have never had health problems before. But we never had a total ‘vaccination’ account in one place. So far. Now we have full “The Vaccine Death Report”,Evidence of millions of deaths and serious adverse events resulting from the experimental COVID -19 injections, compiled with September 2021 by American-Ukrainian medic Dr. Vladimir Zelenko M.D. and journalist David John Sorensen.

246. Fetal Cells in Pfizer’s ‘vaccine’ [eng/срп] Фетусне ћелије у Фајзеровој ‘вакцини’ (Oct. 11th)

James O’Keefe from the ‘Project Veritas’ introduced a new whistleblower from Pfizer. Her name is Melissa Strickler, and she was Quality Auditor in Pfizer. As such, she had an insight into the internal communication of the employees, and she revealed that Pfizer forces its staff to cover up the fact that aborted fetal cells are used in the development of ‘vaccines’, as well as that ‘vaccines’ contain human components…

245. German ‘vaccine’ investigation [eng/срп] Немачка истрага ‘вакцина’ (Oct. 7th)

At the end of August, Japanese government published a shocking results of the Moderna vaccine quality control – over 1.6 million doses were withdrawn from use because of reported contamination with metallic particles in nine prefectures. A month later, we have no less shocking results of control in Germany, presented on September 20th at the press conference in the Institute of pathology in Reutlingen, Germany…

244. Canadian Conspiracy [eng/срп] Канадска завера (Oct. 5th)

The Canadian Joint Operations Command (CJOC) used the COVID-19 pandemic to test its propaganda techniques – similar to those used during the Afghanistan war – on its own citizens without the authorization of the Federal Government!

The devious plan was revealed through the investigation of retired Major General Daniel Gosselin showed that the military commanders considered seeking the authority of the authorities unnecessary.

Since the legal consequences were absent, it was a clear sign that a military dictatorship has already been established in Canada, which cannot be covered even by a clown puppet named Justin Trudeau. What an introduction into the Freedom Convoy 2022 events…

243. Covid Tyranny in Australia [eng/срп] Ковид тиранија у Аустралији (Oct. 2nd)

George Orwell had many famous quotes. One of them, from his book ‘1984’ says:
“If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face — for ever.”

The future has come. Today you can see it in Australia, tomorrow it will be at your door, knocking with a boot.

Always remember Julian Assange was the first to expose global criminals
Не заборавите да је Џулијан Асанж први разоткрио глобалнe злочинце

* * *

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The Great Inquisitor

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Of Demons and Kids II [eng/срп] О демонима и деци II

Ствари које треба видети на српском (Serbian)

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Србија: ПОСЛЕДЊЕ УПОЗОРЕЊЕ – приватизација Института „Јарослав Черни“

The Thinking Stuff, 11th Dose – Vaccinazism [eng/срп] Ствари за размишљање, 11. доза – Вакцинацизам

Вакцинацистичка пропаганда као пророчанство судњег дана (Serbian)

Israel & Palestine [eng/срп] Израел и Палестина

Italy: Ending the Big Lie [eng/срп] Италија: Крај велике лажи

Evolution [eng/срп] Еволуција

BREAKING: Federal Court of Appeals issued a temporary halt to Biden’s vaccine mandate [eng/срп] УДАРНА ВЕСТ: Савезни апелациони суд блокирао Бајденов указ о обавезној вакцинацији

904%: True ‘vaccine’ damage [eng/срп] 904%: Истинска штета од ‘вакцина’

The seeds of awakening [eng/срп] Семе буђења

Logic and Science Against the ‘Vaccines’ [eng/срп] Логика и наука против ‘вакцина’

Second Procession of the National Assembly in Smederevo [eng/срп] Друга литија свенародног сабрања у Смедереву (Nov. 1st)

Archived Coronavirus Files – September 2021 (230–242)

Archived Coronavirus Files – August 2021 (213–229)

Archived Coronavirus Files – July 2021 (200–212)

Archived Coronavirus Files – June 2021 (188–199)

Archived Coronavirus Files – May 2021 (184–187)

Archived Coronavirus Files – April 2021 (177–183)

Archived Coronavirus Files – March 2021 (165–176)

Archived Coronavirus Files – February 2021 (162–164)

Archived Coronavirus Files – January 2021 (147–161)

Archived Coronavirus Files – December 2020 (131–146)

Archived Coronavirus Files – November 2020 (115–130)

Archived Coronavirus Files – October 2020 (101–114)

Archived Coronavirus Files – September 2020 (92–100)

Archived Coronavirus Files – August 2020 (77–91)

Archived Coronavirus Files – July 2020 (61–76)

Archived Coronavirus Files – June 2020 (52–60)

Archived Coronavirus Files – May 2020 (35–51)

Archived Coronavirus Files – April 2020 (17–34)

Archived Coronavirus Files – March 2020 (1–16)


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