Colonial heritage and shameless propaganda

in Deep Dives10 months ago

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SHORT INTRO: You know already I send my texts from also to a Bastyon platform, which is a unique parallel network that does not depend on Internet, and it is not possible to censor if you use its application instead of browser.

So, after I have sent at Bastyon the Expanded BRICS text, about the epochal change in the global theater, I’ve got a few reactions, but one was especially interesting, because it seemed like a quintessence of all colonial propaganda. You can find it at this link, but for the sake of explanation, I give the comment here:


The thing that is a touch concerning about BRICS, Russia and other countries don’t appear to have a problem with the 20,000 raped/ murdered caucasians, the land grabs, burnings and loss of food production.

Also neither Amnesty International, UN / human rights organisations or other western countries seem to be bothered either, but here’s a thought.

The farming lands of SA were predominately baron and made fertile. A very large part of the country was uninhabited. SA used to produce 400% of its food requirements and was one of not the biggest exporter to African nations.

Aside for calls to murder more white people, if memory serves a policy was made to make it illegal to feed white people. I have seen footage of two black men laughing at a starving white African as they ate.

What organisations benefit from the starvation policy?

We know that what’s wrong is wrong, but sanctimonious chose what history to ignore. How’s SA doing now?

(FACTS are facts. Don’t stone the messenger)

So, let’s start dismantling colonial propaganda with the last line. Facts are facts only if they are verifiable from the credible sources. The guy who sent the comment was asked for his sources, and he showed these:

Every single one of his sources are from the – colonial side.

His comment cannot stand any objective verification. Let’s now start from the beginning and his first statement:

The thing that is a touch concerning about BRICS, Russia and other countries don’t appear to have a problem with the 20,000 raped/ murdered caucasians, the land grabs, burnings and loss of food production.

There is a pure manipulation from the very first paragraph: Massive crimes against caucasians! Subtext is that those African black racist are murdering and raping innocent white people, isn’t it? Well, that can’t be further from the truth. Caucasus is a mountain wreath expanding through Georgia, Azerbaijan and Russia, with the Mount Elbrus as its highest peak. For some funny reasons, Western propaganda considers this region as a native birthplace of a ‘white race’. But you can see in this documentary that Russian people – no doubt white race – are having business in South Africa without any problems:

Reaping Divine Justice. Duration: 53:21

Reaping Divine Justice-2023-08-24_161818.JPG

“South Africa’s white farmers brace for race war amid land expropriation debate

Colonialism and apartheid are long gone in South Africa, but racial disparities in income, jobs and, most importantly, land ownership remain a dividing issue. White people, who make up just 8.2 per cent of the population, own 72 per cent of all farms and agricultural holdings, while the black majority owns just four per cent of the land.”

Source to this documentary censored in the Collective West

Russia is aware that it is not possible to fully protect a minority of colonial descendents – who are still holding 72% of stolen lands – from the revengeful anger of the domestic population. And since it has vast areas of uncultivated land, Russia is offering land to the white farmers from South Africa who are feeling endangered in that country, and are ready to cultivate that land – free of charge! A concept totally strange to Collective West colonialists.

One more thing – I can point you in Serbia, to the two editors of HelmCast production who are married to African women and have quite exemplary families. You don’t have racist laws against white men, nor racist relations towards them in Africa. Africans do not hate white men, they hate colonialists. All those who comes to them seeing in them equal people, are welcomed. Robbers, murderers, slave drivers are not. It’s a simple law of life.

So, there are attacks on some caucasians in Africa, no doubt, but let’s see how large the crime against whites really is. The guy says “20,000 raped/ murdered caucasians, the land grabs, burnings and loss of food production”, but never says at which territory, and which time frame. With those data we could put the things into perspective. Since he stated that this “is a touch concerning about BRICS”, we may assume this refers to South Africa. But even if we use his own, Western side source, picture is quite different: According to South African police statistics, there were 21,325 murder victims in 2019 of which 49 were white farmers.

In the period of 2016–17 there were 74 murders and 357 reported attacks.

So, there really are crimes that can’t be denied – 123 white murder victims in three years… And colonial propaganda wants to equalize that to their genocidal crimes, land grabs, plunder of resources, slavery trade… which they have doing for over four centuries all over Africa! We’ll get back to that again…

Also neither Amnesty International, UN / human rights organisations or other western countries seem to be bothered either

They were not bothered because the current South African government is NOT the apartheid regime which had one law for colonialist masters and the other for the native population. This government is doing everything it can to find and prosecute criminals who were doing murders and attacks on the white farmers. This is the reason why it is possible that just 8.2 per cent of the population, still owns 72 per cent of all farms and agricultural holdings, while the black majority still owns just four per cent of the land.

South Africa's white farmers brace for race war amid land ex.mp4_snapshot_11.23.131.jpg

The descendants of the colonial murderers and land grabbers would have been long ago completely wiped out if it wasn’t so.

The farming lands of SA were predominately baron and made fertile. A very large part of the country was uninhabited.

Now this is a completely false statement – shameless colonial lie:

“Archaelogical sites in South Africa contain evidence of very early human settlements, invalidating the notion of terra nullius so beloved by the European colonial settlers who liked to consider themselves the first humans to inhabit the region. In the summer of 1995, geologist Dave Roberts discovered a set of fossilized footprints 117,000 years old in the sandy slopes of Langebaan Lagoon, on the Atlantic coast of South Africa, dating back to the period when the first anatomically modern humans emerged. For most of the past 100,000 years, the southern African region has been host to nomadic groups of hunter-gatherers living in nuclear families—the San. These groups lived in delicate ecological balance with their environment and knew, for example, how to aggregate and disperse in response to ecological necessity. They left posterity the benefit of their beliefs and rituals, outlooks, and activities in rock art found throughout the region. Some 2,000 years ago a group of agro-pastoralists, the Khoi Khoi, also took up permanent residence in the region. About 1,500 years ago, the iSintu-speaking people, who had migrated from the Great Lakes region of Africa, began to cultivate the soil, mainly in the summer rainfall river valleys of the southeastern part of Africa, introducing and developing techniques of growing edible crops such as millet and gourds. The domestication of cattle approximately 1,000 years ago in southern Africa created new possibilities for societal development, and political systems arose among the decentralized kingdoms of the region.

The arrival of Europeans in southern Africa was by far the most traumatic experience the indigenous communities had ever experienced by the 1600s. In 1652 the Dutch set up a mainland base in the territory of the Khoi Khoi for their East India Company (VOC) as a victualling station for their own passing ships. Observing the building of a stone castle and the settling of farmers on their land, the Khoi Khoi realized that the Dutch intended to stay and thus resisted bartering with them by withholding their own livestock and fought off the attempts of VOC expeditions to take their livestock by force. Thus began the systematic dispossession of indigenous populations that sparked off the Wars of Dispossession (the ‘Kaffir Wars’) in the 1770s which lasted 100 years in the region—or more accurately, more than 3 centuries, terminating only with the establishment of South Africa’s democratic government in 1994. Gradually the Dutch settlers overwhelmed the indigenous Africans by seizing their streams, land, and cattle and by incorporating the Khoi Khoi as farm laborers and into their militia, destroying the Khoi Khoi's political economy. The urgent need for labor experienced by the Dutch was reinforced by the 1688 arrival of French Huguenots, escaping religious persecution in Europe, and within the first decade of their arrival the Dutch brought in slaves from their Asian colonies, mainly from Malaysia, and from eastern and western Africa. These slaves became the nucleus of the subsequent ‘coloured’ community.”

Read more: South Africa - History Background - African, Percent, Population, and European –

Of course colonialists will lie to cover their terrible crimes. Their usual method of dealing is genocide over domestic population, and then writing a history of terra nullius and noble settlers who cultivated barren lands and expanded culture, prosperity, education and democracy to a few savages they have found there. Rubbish!

The most notorious colonial Empire in the history of the World was – Great Britain. Their genocidal score is immeasurable. They have tried it in India – with 165 million victims of colonialism in only 40 years…

…but that was not so successful, because India had very numerous population. On the other hand, they had much more success on the North American continent, where they – by some estimations – have exterminated 90 million natives:

native americans final.jpg
Courtesy by Ljubodrag Simonović, PhD

Of course they had colonies in Africa:

Britain had many colonies in Africa: in British West Africa there was Gambia, Ghana, Nigeria, Southern Cameroon, and Sierra Leone; in British East Africa there was Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania (formerly Tanganyika and Zanzibar); and in British South Africa there was South Africa, Northern Rhodesia (Zambia), Southern Rhodesia (Zimbabwe), Nyasaland (Malawi), Lesotho, Botswana, and Swaziland. Britain had a strange and unique colonial history with Egypt. The Sudan, formerly known as the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, was jointly ruled by Egypt and Britain, because they had jointly colonized the area. The joint colonial administration of the Sudan by Egypt and Britain was known as the condominium government.

How can we be sure that they didn’t do same things there? Because they were ‘shining role model’ for other great criminals from all over Europe:

The Congo’s colonial history at Bastyon

The Diabolical Brutality of King Leopold II:

Congo Free State. The genocide

Congo Free State - The genocide.png

History of colonialism:

Tanzania. The Maji-Maji rebellion

Algerian War

Namibia. The first genocide of the 20th century

Then, there was one other, well known great criminal that had immense admiration for the British colonial policy:

Fascism: A History at Odysee (Full Movie) Duration / Трајање: 55:04 (енглески)


“The film “Fascism: A History” by RT Documentary explores the nature of this vicious ideology and how it’s been tainting the societies long before and after Hitler.

Fascism is often paired with Hitler and WWII, but in reality, it’s been around for a long time. The idea of a “superior” race or people taking over the “inferior” one was the primary driving force for centuries of European colonialism. By the early 20th century, most of the world was divided between a few colonial nations. The UK had colonies almost all over the world, and France, Italy, Belgium, Spain, Germany had their fair share of colonies. The proclaimed intention to bring civilisation, wealth, and, later, democracy was just a ruse to get to the countries’ resources and occupy the territory.

So, on the brink of WWII, the thirst for power and new acquisitions was just as great, and some of the allied forces wanted to kill several birds with one stone. Though the resolution of the European Parliament dated September 19, 2019, claimed it was Germany and the Soviet Union who paved the way for WWII. Secret files reveal Great Britain made agreements with Hitler and Nazi Germany in 1933, 1935 and 1938, while the US lent the Wehrmacht economic support. Both countries secretly negotiated a separate peace with Germany in 1945.

This was an attempt to use the Soviet Union to weaken or defeat the Nazis and, once done, annihilate the Soviets. Formed in 1949, NATO carried on with the colonialist rhetoric and took over more countries under the auspices of bringing democracy there.”

00:00 - Intro
01:38 - The resolution against the glorification of Nazism will never be approved
03:14 - Colonialism caused ruined lives, slavery and exploitation
05:15 - The genocide of Native Americans has been going on for centuries
07:25 - Fascism is not only about the Third Reich
09:11 - US industry gave the Wehrmacht support
11:55 - In March 1939, the Soviet Union proposed an anti-Fascist alliance
14:46 - The plan was to destroy the Soviet Union
17:33 - A resolution stated Germany and the USSR started WWII
22:55 - Churchill proposes Operation Unthinkable
25:45 - The allies need the Red Army in the Far East
28:39 - Operation Dropshot was scheduled for January 1, 1957
31:31 - After the Soviet Union collapsed, Russia was vulnerable
35:12 - Operation Allied Force in Serbia has been called a genocide
37:55 - People got cancer due to exposure to depleted uranium
41:17 - The USA is surrounding Russia with ‘a belt of hostile nations’
43:57 - Bringing order and democracy is the justification of modern wars
46:11 - Almost no one covered the situation in Ukraine
48:55 - America’s politicians deem America exceptional
50:12 - New colonialism is about destroying societies
53:40 - People don’t want war, but war is business
54:32 - People should learn from history, but they don’t

For more than four centuries, colonialist scum did not do a single good thing for the native population of Africa. Instead, they have made that the richest continent of the planet has the poorest population! They have developed mechanisms to further suck the blood of every people not strong enough to resist. And they have new military structure ready to enforce their genocidal plans:

The Pentagon has nearly 6,000 servicemen stationed across 50 of 54 countries in Africa.

Despite everything, today we still have people that can believe such preposterous propaganda like ‘starving white African’…

Aside for calls to murder more white people, if memory serves a policy was made to make it illegal to feed white people. I have seen footage of two black men laughing at a starving white African as they ate.

…while completely overlooking starving and homeless white Americans!

Poor Americans_2023-09-05_07-01-11.jpg
Source / Извор: Multipolar Market

Well, let’s give that guy benefit of a doubt – he simply didn’t have anything else but colonial propaganda as his sources. Otherwise, he would not ask questions like this:

What organisations benefit from the starvation policy?

The only organizations who benefit from the starvation policy are the corporations of colonial states. The colonial crimes on industrial scale started with East India Company, with quite a telling flag:


Today we have the freshest of examples in the Ukrainian ‘Grain deal’. There was a big fuss about the hunger in Africa if Russia does not allow export of Ukrainian grain. But, only 3% of the exported grain really went to Africa. Why? Because there is no Ukrainian grain in that deal. Let’s see top 10 owners of the Ukrainian cultivated land:


Largest land owners in Ukraine in February 2023

Pos.CompanyThousands of hectaresState
4•TNA Corporate Solutions LLC295,6USA
5•NCH Capital290,7USA
6•Astarta Holding264,3Netherlands
7•Industrial milk Company IMK218,1Luxembourg
8•PIF Saudi228,7Saudi Arabia
9•GK Agroton120,0Cyprus

The corporations exported most of the grain in EU, breaking the small, individual producers, and then dictating the price of grain to all hungry people. There is a book titled ‘Confessions of an Economic Hitman’ by John Perkins, who explained the mechanism and more: how the USA used debt and economic sabotage to control the World.

Even if this words were not Kissinger’s, they are true: “Control oil and you control nations. Control foods and you control the people”. That is colonial mindset, because of which African leaders today have to speak like this to colonial representatives:

Congo President shuts down Macron at a press conference, Macron tries to deflect but makes it even worse.

Cyril Ramaphosa, President of South Africa to Macron: Give us back what you have taken for 400 years, plus 25 percent interest. Duration 14:39

Julius Malema, President of the Economic Freedom Fighters (SA) to a German ambassador. Duration: 12:14

Strange how this guy, who in his own posts claims he does not believe MSM, is actually falling for MSM bulls*it under another label, without even trying to verify his ‘sources’, while still thinking he has all the knowledge.

We know that what’s wrong is wrong, but sanctimonious chose what history to ignore. How’s SA doing now?

I can understand a mistake of a man exposed to one-sided propaganda only, but it is very hard for me to understand a man who says he knows his media are lying to him, and then still accepts obvious propaganda in those media like Holy Bible. He was asking me to send him immediately links to a refutation texts, obviously oblivious to a fact that only CIA has ‘true info’ at one click. Let’s hope these links will help him understand that the World is not black and white, and there are no absolute truths. Life is constant verification and completing the puzzle using one’s own mind, and not easily offered ‘FACTS’.

BTW, South Africa is doing far better than it was under the apartheid regime, and will be going even better with the BRICS group in the future. Now Ethiopia is admitted to BRICS, and we will all see how fast the starvation in that country will disappear. Russia already announced a substantive grain shipments to the six most endangered African countries – free of charge! Again, a concept totally strange to Collective West colonialists… And we have a confirmation that ‘Russia’s friends are getting richer’ from The Bank of Canada.

BRICS is an execution of the long overdue process of decolonization. And it can be slowed down only with a great global war…

Ending Note:

It took some time for me to edit the links so they are out of the Empire’s censorship reach. Still, some of those are pointing at YouTube, and could disappear any day. If you can’t see some of them, please say in the comments, and I will see if I can redirect you so you can see it. Thank you all for your attention

Never forget Julian Assange was the first to expose global criminals
Не заборавите да је Џулијан Асанж први разоткрио глобалнe злочинце

* * *

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