Globalism attacks the USA

in Deep Diveslast year

They don't arrest Donald Trump, but his sponsor.


After months and months of growing tension between the Chinese regime and the White House, Joe Biden has launched what many analysts see as a complicit nod to Xi Jinping, and I am not surprised, but this fact also takes another step towards the risky fragmentation Definitive Social Security of the United States.

The FBI has completed the arrest of one of the biggest enemies of the communist party and at the same time the key man of the hardest opposition wing to the Democratic government, this is a political bomb of immense magnitude and immeasurable consequence.


Guo Wengui, also known as Miles Guo, is a 54-year-old billionaire who has become both the largest financier of the anti-communist Chinese cause in the United States and the main sponsor of Donald Trump and his long-time adviser Steve Bannon. of the International axis of the new right, includes Box in Spain, the National group of Marín leppen in France, Georgia melonia in Italy, the Bolsonaristas of Brazil and of course has Lala trappista of the republican party as its center of operations.


The arrest has gained such notoriety that the nation's own Justice Department has posted the grounds on its website, explaining that the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York Damian Williams and his number 2 Michael Dricole, raised 12 indictments. against Guo Wengui, ranging from bank fraud, securities fraud, wire fraud, money laundering, obstruction of justice and tax evasion, which is why 21 different bank accounts and an amount of 634 million dollars and has confiscated the government.

He is accused of a massive scam against users and shareholders of their companies, including fundraising for different communication projects such as those he is carrying out with Steve Bannon, for example, the GNews portal and his television channel G-TV integrated into the self-styled Himalaya Farm allies, they are also indicated for laundering hundreds of millions of stolen dollars and reinvesting them in political advertising and sumptuous assets such as a 50,000 square foot mansion, a 3.5 million dollar Ferrari, a 37 million luxury yacht.

The file is in the Federal Court of Manhattan, the same District where Donald Trump is being investigated for falsification of a commercial document related to the reimbursement of funds to bribe the adult actress Stormy Daniels not to publish a book narrating their relationship in the 90s. .


What is flimsy about the case against Guo Wengui, or at least what is surprising, is that these accusations are exactly the same ones that he received from the Chinese state in 2014 and that pushed him to flee Hong Kong, when he was then one of the 75 richest people in the giant. Asian.

At that time when Barack Obama ruled and Joe Biden was his vice president, the Federal Government of the United States considered that it was a political conspiracy against him, they granted him asylum.

But the fact is that the same business dynamic that the Democratic Federal Government in 2014 had considered legitimate is now considered illegal and criminal and has led behind bars someone who was categorized by these same characters as politically persecuted, from their environment They point out that he wants to take it out of the game in view of the 2024 presidential elections, where of course he planned to invest a good part of those millions seized in the Donald Trump campaign to reoccupy the Oval Office.

The judicial independence of the United States has been in question for a long time and if you allow my opinion, it is a clear utopia and the true electoral possibilities of both parties for next year.

"To Rio revuelto, fishermen gain" goes the saying, all this to distract us from the real news that influences the daily life of all Americans and the rest of the planet's inhabitants, and has to do with the fierce banking crises that are developing on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean, after the decline of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank and the danger of First Republic Bank, suite credit, Dodge Bank, among others.

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