For those who did not believe in elite climate change

in Deep Dives8 months ago

For those who did not believe in elite climate change


Today is a very special day, a special day because they are going to join our great family of conspiracy theorists, anti-vaccine, anti-globalist, and so on; two new members, two illustrious members, I am talking to you about the State Meteorological Agency and the World Meteorological Organization.


What is being experienced in the northern hemisphere, specifically in the northern part of the American continent, is tremendous, a drastic drop in temperatures, enormous snowfall, intense cold, a panorama closer to glaciation than to global warming, which is why for some time now For years, instructions have been given to the media terminals to change the term global warming to climate change, more favorable to their story. In this way, it would prevent said story from faltering in the face of evidence like the ones we are seeing in the northern hemisphere.

Those intense snowfalls and cold in the United States and Canada, something incompatible with global warming, which they are going to tell you that this is a consequence of climate change, of greenhouse gases and they are going to add more fuel metaphorically to delve into their agendas , and in their profits.

What they are not going to tell you, what is the origin of that intense cold wave, so abnormal because everything has its origin in something, is the physics and dynamics of the planet and what they are not going to tell you is the direct relationship between the great volcanic activity in 2021 and 2022 with what they are suffering now in the north of the American continent.

This year has been especially intense in volcanic eruptions, the last one was relatively recently with Stromboli, but there have been larger and more powerful ones, especially the underwater ones, which, since they cannot be seen or are not visible when they are far from the camera, they go unnoticed but they are equal or more intense than those on the surface, specifically this year there has been an event in the middle of the Pacific Ocean where one of the underwater volcanoes has emitted such a quantity of gases into the atmosphere that it has created a column of steam seen from satellites


That is the origin of the cooling of the American continent at the northern altitude in the northern hemisphere, something that has already happened and it is not the first time, the most famous in the year 1815, those who like history will see that the year 1815 - 1816 happened to history as the summer that did not exist or the summer that did not come, there was born the very famous Frankenstein novel by Mary Shelley that invaded by that feeling of loneliness, of apathy, of lack of light, of lack of Sun of those winters of that harsh winter, that cold summer, because that environment was what forged the success of Mary Shelley's The Novel of Frankenstein.

Now they are going to talk about myths, contrails, experiments, climate change, I should continue sitting and waiting for the globalist elites to continue destroying the planet as if nothing were happening.

There is nothing more difficult than showing a fool that he has been deceived and since we are surrounded by fools and we have plenty of them, we have to wait for the next occasion in which for the umpteenth time we have to say, “we told you so” and and this is the serious thing you will learn. the lesson.

Souce Souce

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