According to globalism, you don't have to have children to save the planet.

in Deep Dives7 months ago

According to globalism, you don't have to have children to save the planet.


There are a large number of people who are buying the carbon footprint story, they are believing the alibi that aims to impose the 2030 agenda on us, an agenda that has nothing to do with climate change and much less with the carbon footprint. carbon, you don't have to be very smart, or very insightful, you just have to see the lifestyle that the Apostles of climate change lead.

Those who meet pompously with an entourage of 20 or 30 armored cars, who attend their meetings in private jets or who build mansions right on the edge of the sea, it is not worth giving them even the doubt that they really care about the most minimum carbon footprint, what they are interested in is taking us to the scenario that they have planned for the new Middle Ages.

They want us to go back to feudalism, all the achievements of our ancestors, all the sweat, tears, all the skin that they left behind so that we could live as we live now, erased with the stroke of a pen by something that is not even debated on equal terms, where He censures anyone who has the audacity to go against the official story.

If you don't see it yet clearly, I want to remind you of the lifestyle of the Middle Ages, that Middle Ages that they want to take us to, in the Middle Ages only the feudal lord ate meat, with the plebs being condemned to eat the four things they could. plant in their humble garden and there that commoner who was caught hunting in a forest would be immediately punished and in the same way that they want to take away not only our meat but also our car, remember that in the Middle Ages the horse was a privilege of the Knights, only the Knights, as their name indicates, traveled on horseback

The aristocracy, the royalty in their lavish carriages, being once again the common people who walked everywhere and in the same way that they make you feel guilty for turning on the heating or invite you not to do it, in the Middle Ages If a humble peasant was caught chopping firewood in a feudal lord's forest, he was beaten, imprisoned or, depending on the lord's mood, directly hanged.


If you don't see the analogies, don't worry because you will already experience them, only this time there is something worse, a new twist, not content with us giving up our lifestyle, they also want us to give up the family, they want us not to have children , something normal if we take into account that they no longer need us, with Artificial Intelligence, robotics, the fourth Industrial Revolution with a few waiters, cooks and someone to make the bed, no one else needs the rest, we are left over, if we leave the planet without making noise, the better and if not, they will push us, if you haven't noticed they are already doing it....


Look at what this globalist pamphlet called the country, already in 2017 published “give up your lifestyle for the planet”, the planet, the carbon footprint, the plan to take us back to the Middle Ages, don't eat meat, give up your car, don't have children, it is clear that Von der Leyen needs space for hers, but they don't realize that all this is a fallacy, a lie that everyone doesn't give a shit about, that all they want is everything for they.


And if you don't look at how impudently they contradict themselves, look at this headline recently published by the globalist the country, a demographic disaster, seriously, the same newspaper that blames you for having children because you pollute now scares you because we are in a disaster demographic, how do you understand this, did they lie before, do they lie now, or is it about always lying, if you don't have children, disaster, if you do, climate disaster, or is it also about putting the word disaster everywhere until the already desperate population becomes Get out of the way for not putting up with so much media pressure, because I don't know if you know this but the amount of people who leave us voluntarily is tremendous and I'm not saying the word technical.


For that, there is no Ministry of people who voluntarily leave here, despite multiplying the victims of gender violence by 100, but of course, as people who get out of the way cannot be used, they cannot be used as an ideological weapon. , why are we going to create a ministry, why are we going to put it in the press, why are we going to talk about it, let them continue leaving without making a lot of noise, let them leave better.

One of two or there are too many people or there is a lack of people or simply what they are doing is stabling, taking us to one stable or another as it suits them, they want to sacrifice livestock, throw open the media gate go to this side, not go to the other what is to please the elites.

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