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RE: Everything Is Suspect

in Deep Dives4 years ago

And that's the thing; we were humane for hundreds of thousands of years when we lived as nomadic tribes. Those small societies were 100 percent egalitarian, and "private property" wasn't invented yet. The irony is that in those days scarcity was a real thing, and that the moment we started to produce surpluses we lost that egalitarian streak

Those tribes you speak of. They were more likely close knit family members. Who fought other tribes for territory and resources. There were taste times they traded with other tribes for their property to gain the other tribes property. All whilst having their warriors on edge ready to kill. Papua New Guinea tribes and that tribe on an island near India just as a modern day reference.
Their warriors wouldn't share their weapons because that was their symbol and identity. These would be passed down to their offsprings as inheritance and celebrated if it's deemed great. A treasured artifact. Owned by said inheritor. Only either given away from their dead hands.
So tell me, am curious because you seem to think primitive people's were Kumbaya singing hippies. More importantly egalitarian? Have you read what the American Indians did to reach other before the Europeans came?

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