Stress in preschool children: causes and symptoms

in Steem Education4 years ago (edited)
Hi, I’m @roseri, welcome to my blog: #maternidadwithpurpose

Many parents play with young children after a busy day to relieve stress. But do you realize that young children are also stressed out?


Today, stress is an integral part of our lives. Chronic stress in adults can trigger diseases such as diabetes, asthma, depression, arthritis, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease.

In young children, manifestations of stress are mainly associated with behavioral problems: the child is in a bad mood or has difficulty learning. Sometimes stress in young children can lead to bedwetting. If your child has any type of stress symptom, know that you can help him, knowing its causes and symptoms.

Causes and symptoms of stress in preschoolers

Causes of stress in preschoolers


Stress is the reaction of a person to difficult situations at school, at work, in relationships with friends, family, etc. For preschoolers, stress can occur for several reasons. Consider the most common of them.

1. Separation from parents.

Young children, when first brought to kindergarten, often experience anxiety and stress due to fear of separation from their parents. When a child has to explore the social environment without the usual support for him, this can cause fear and anxiety.

2. Social pressure.

It is usually experienced by older children, but it is sometimes difficult for preschoolers to adapt to a new environment (for example, in kindergarten). They become shy and withdrawn.

3. Homey atmosphere.

The situation at home greatly affects the child's behavior and habits. Children who experience frequent family conflict, parental divorce, or the death of someone close to them often experience stress.

4. Other factors.

Stress in preschoolers can occur due to disturbing news messages, illness, financial problems in the family, lack of parental support, etc.

Preschoolers can be stressed because their parents, especially their mothers, also experience chronic stress.

Symptoms of stress in preschoolers


Consider several signs that can indicate stress in young children.

  1. Underdeveloped speech skills.

  2. Learning disorders.

  3. Bad concentration.

  4. Memory problems.

  5. Aggressive behavior.

  6. The child speaks rudely to others.

  7. It is difficult for a child to make friends.

  8. Regressive behavior (child exhibits typical behavior of young children).

  9. He requires attention for himself and does everything possible to attract him.

  10. Often cries or screams.

  11. He becomes hysterical.

  12. You are not sure of yourself.

  13. Show anxiety and fear.

  14. Is irritable.

  15. You are afraid of separating from a parent.

  16. You have sleep disorders.

  17. You often have stomach pain.

  18. Loss of appetite and lose weight.

  19. It manifests disorders of the digestive system.

  20. Suffering from nightmares.

  21. He suffers from enuresis.

How to help a preschooler deal with stress


By following simple tips, you can help your child cope with stress. These guidelines will also help you create and maintain a healthy relationship with your child.

  • Reassure the child.
    Stay close to him and help him feel safe. If the child is afraid of being left without you in kindergarten, tell him he is leaving for a short time;

  • Talk to your child in a calm tone.
    This will help you cope with irritation and calm down;

  • Pay attention to the child's behavior.
    If he is capricious and throws tantrums, perhaps these are manifestations of stress. The child may want to tell you something about his behavior;

Help your child express his feelings in words. But at the same time, set the limits for it.

Remember that you can help your child cope with stress by showing love and support. If any of your efforts does not bring the desired result and the child is still stressed, consult a specialist.

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