HOMEWORK WEEK 1: A friendly giant, a fantastic story for children

in Steem Education4 years ago

A friendly giant, a fantastic story for children




Sofia was a girl of just 9 years old, full of curiosity but very shy. Since she had no parents, she lived with other girls in an orphanage in England. She liked being alone and did not have many friends. One day, or rather, one night, something caught his attention. That night Sofia could not sleep, and she leaned out the window. Then she saw him: he was big, very big ... he was a giant!

At first Sofia was afraid. He thought the giant would harm him. But the giant treated him from the beginning with gentleness. It turned out to be a good-natured giant.

The giant took him to the world where he lived. He taught him all the secrets about his country and its people. For example, he told him why giants have such big ears ... Do you want to know? Chess .... but it's a secret: The giants can hear thanks to their huge ears ... all the people's secrets! Yes, giants hear sounds that no one can hear. They listen to thoughts and are able to hear hearts speak.

Giants are able to fly, provided they take Gasipum, a special drink. In addition, they run very fast, thanks to their very long legs.

The good-natured giant does not read stories, but dreams. His books are written with dreams that manage to hunt on the fly. Thanks to the dreams read by the giant Bonachón, Sofía sleeps calmly and without nightmares, and no matter how silly those dreams seem, they always work. In fact, the giant Bonachón narrates dreams about books, magical books. When you start counting them, they can no longer stop.

But don't think that all giants are that good. In the land of giants, there are also bad guys. In fact, one of them wanted to harm Sofia and all the children on the planet. The good-natured giant decided to face them, with the help of Sofia and the Queen of England herself. All together (including the dreams caught by the good-natured giant) were able to stop the evil giants.

Desde entonces, y par evitar nuevos problemas, los gigantes decidieron esconderse en su mundo. Pero yo sé una cosa que muchos no saben: de vez en cuando, dejan entrar a algún niño, para contarles todos sus secretos. Que además, son muchos.

Since then, and to avoid new problems, the giants decided to hide in their world. But I know one thing that many do not know: from time to time, they let a child in, to tell them all their secrets. Which are also many.

Questions for understanding children's text

  1. Who is and where does Sofia live?

  2. What did Sofia see from her window?

  3. Why did Sofia feel afraid?

  4. What was the giant Bonachón like and what did he do?

  5. Why do giants live hidden in your world?

  6. What did you like the most in this story?

  7. What have you learned from this story?

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