The mind and the change of posture

in Steem Education4 years ago

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The way people behave and act goes directly to the brain. It is a profound indication, which specifically goes to the emotions that are being represented and manifested.

The brain interprets the postures that people adopt, and its effect is the result of how it should feel. Placing yourself in a correct and essential posture plane to manage the emotions, thoughts and others that are included in the emotional well-being of people, will open the way to the union between stable brain emotions.

How should a person be for the brain to interpret a good mood?

  • Stare.
  • Remain steady.
  • Be upright.
  • Among other qualities to manifest, which are within the framework of manifestations.

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Security and power postures give the brain a perception that it is good and powerful. So the brain must feel like this.

How is anxiety thinking triggered?

When the thought has the sensation and is emitted to the person, for example:

  • Fear.
  • He's sweating.
  • He doesn't have a clear fixation on things.

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The brain automatically perceives that the person is nervous and that is when the anxiety response is triggered.

How do we choose emotions so that the brain works well?

The emotions are many, but we must know how to choose which one we want to have.

Are located:

  • Anxiety.
  • Joy.
  • Sadness.
  • Jealousy.
  • Unsafety.
  • Envy.

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Just as you learn to choose thought, in the same way you can choose one emotion or several.

It is necessary to make clear which is the emotion that best characterized him or the one that can accompany him so that he feels good about himself.

It is also important to understand that depending on the emotion chosen, you must learn to self-regulate it.

Examples of practices:

  • Meditation.
  • Relaxation.
  • Breathing.


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Practice makes it easier, since it is well established and is where an activation of the emotions that must be learned to control is included.

Emotions are very characteristic in each person, each one handles it in a different way and makes it reach the brain in a different perception. The help is in the exercises like relaxation and other useful exercises, they will be what helps the brain to act in a way that includes an outburst of good sensations that will take power against the negative, which will certainly be displaced.



Hello, I loved your article, and it is very true that we have the ability to control and define how we want to act in life situations. It has been a pleasure to read you. Happy Sunday

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