Who was Johannes Kepler - Information for learners

in Steem Education5 years ago

Up to now, we have learned about some well known scientists, but we will also look at scientist who everybody do not know about, but have made some discoveries that helped the modern day scientists.

Lets learn more about Johannes Kepler.  He did some amazing work and discoveries on planets in the 17th century.

Kepler made a huge discovery which was a breakthrough in astrology and this was his 'laws of planetary motion.  There are three laws which are

 1. The orbit of every planet is an ellipse with the sun at a focus.

2. A line joining a planet and the sun sweeps out equal areas during equal intervals of time.

3. The square of the orbital period of a planet is directly proportional to the cube of the semi-major axis of its orbit. 

He was interested in astronomy from a very young age thanks to his mom's influence, but his interest was piqued when he saw a comet in 1577 and a lunar eclipse in 1580.

At the University of Tubingen he was an outstanding student in Mathematics and Astrology and even created horoscopes for the other students.  What are horoscopes? This is when someone predicts the future of a person based on information when they were born and how the stars and planets aligned at the time of their birth.  A lot of people believe that this actually plays a roll.


Kepler made discoveries and statements around the time that Galileo Galilei also made his discoveries.  The had a lot of times when they did not agree with one another's statements, but between the two of them they surely paved a road for future scientists in physics, astronomy and philosophy.

Scientists always try to better on the previous person's work and in that way they help one another.

Kepler’s work on planetary motion helped Isaac Newton later devise his own theory of universal gravitation. 

Kepler has done outstanding work with discoveries concerning planets and NASA honoured him in 2009 by naming a mission after him.  The 'Kepler mission' is a very advanced space telescope that will search for planets that are a lot like Earth.

Kepler is also known for some quotes.  You can read more here.

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Love it. I reckon if I wasn't pursuing history the most as my first academic love, I'd be doing astrology - fascinating subject!
Check out my blogs if you like for some Greek (and Roman one day) history :)

Sun in cancer, moon in capricorn and ascending sign libra ;)
That's me ;)
Yeah, focus on Astrology!
I have 2 big horoscope , one 30 pages and the other 50 pages...
They helped a lot in "overstanding" oneself.

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