We need protein in our daily diet

in Steem Education5 years ago

In order for us to stay healthy, we need to eat food from all the levels of the food pyramid.  This means it will include things like proteins, carbohydrates, fats and fruits and vegetables.  If you eat all this you will follow a healthy diet.

Food is necessary to give us energy and one of the substances in food that we need is protein that will help build our body and keep us healthy and strong.

First of all we will refresh our memories on the food pyramid and then learn more about protein.


  1. Why is important for us to eat healthy?
  2. Why is it important not to eat a lot from the first step of the food pyramid?
  3. Give 3 examples of protein.
  4. Which foods are included in the 'dairy' group and how many times per day must you eat from this group?
  5. Why are vegetables and fruits important and how many times a day must we eat from here?
  6. Which foods are included in the 'carbohydrates' group?

Protein is a very important nutrient in the body, because it gives us a lot of energy to help with the different functions taking place in the body.  Besides from water that is very important in our bodies, protein plays a big role in the functions of the cells.

Proteins grow, maintain, and replace the tissues in our bodies. Therefore our muscles, organs, and immune systems are mostly made of protein. 

The body breaks down the proteins into pieces called 'amino acids' and these amino acids are then re-used to give the protein that are used in the different cells, muscles, bones and blood.

There are 22 types of amino acids that the body needs, but only 13 of them can be made by the body itself.  The other 9 you have to get by eating food rich in protein, like meat , fish and eggs. 

The two types of proteins are 'complete' or 'incomplete'.  If you eat from the incomplete group, you have to balance it with other food in order to give your body all the protein it needs.

Complete protein that has all amino acids including essential ones are meat, poultry, fish, dairy products, eggs, and soy. Incomplete protein sources include nuts, grains, fruits, and vegetables. Therefore it is important for vegetarians to pair meals wisely in order to get all essential amino acids in their daily diet. 

Our hair and nails are also made out of a type of protein called 'keratin'.


  1. What is the meaning of 'essential'.
  2. What building blocks make up protein?
  3. What is the function of amino acids?
  4. Where will you find keratin?
  5. Name 3 types of protein in your muscles.
  6. What is the function of hemoglobin?
  7. Give a function of enzymes.

Protein is good for you but only in moderate consumption.  If you take in too much of it, your kidneys and liver can be damaged, because it has to work extra hard to get rid of the extra protein.  How much protein do you need per day?  You can read more here.

Like all other foods, if you eat too much protein, it can also lead to gaining weight.

Although many types of food consist of protein, the scientists have found that eggs have the highest quality of protein.

And not that you will eat it, but insects actually contains more protein than many other types of food, but it is ok, we will stick to meat, fish and eggs.

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Howdy again anneke! Another great lesson here. I've been reading alot of posts about boosting our immune systems so we don't get the coronavirus. Does South Africa have any cases of that yet?

So far not any that we know of , but in this country you never know hahaha. Some will have it and not get tested since our provincial hospital are a mess. Bur as far as we know we are safe

Well good, I hope it stays that way, safe!

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