While traveling to relatives house | 16th Daily Diary 19/6/2020

in whalepower4 years ago

Even though I had planned many things, I couldn't do any of them. We had a power cut from 9.00 a.m to 5.30 p.m. Because of that whole day wasted. Mmmmm.. no... not actually wasted. I was able to spend time away from laptop and books. In the morning I took the time to clean my room. Mainly I rearrange my table as it was a mess. But I’m pretty sure it will be a mess soon. Anyway, I removed unwanted papers from files and arranged it nicely.

While removing unwanted stuff

The coolest things happened in the evening. After having lunch, my parents and I visited a relation. The distance was about 12km. There lives an uncle of my father who is 75 years old. We left home at about 2.30 p.m.

As a tradition, we bring some food as gifts when visiting to someone. Because of that, we stopped in multiple places to purchase cake, biscuits, a packet of milk, and banana. Still, we are highly advised to use face masks. There are police checkpoints to check whether we are wearing masks.

The destination was located in another town far from my area. I have visited their place once. We passed many paddy fields. In this season farmers have started planting rice seeds. So fields are looking green.

We could reach the destination by 30min. I realized that they are conducting a pre-school too. The first thing I saw when getting down from the car is a Java apple tree filled with fruits. It was filled with big red java apples (We call it Jambu). Can you guys guess my first thought? “I want to taste these”

Their house was newly created one with a large compound. There were 5 members in this house. The grandfather, grandmother, their daughter, her husband, and the kid. Also, a little puppy was there. After having a wonderful conversation, they served us biscuits and tea. I took a moment to look outside while my parents in conversation.

Wow! They have 4 rambutan trees fill with ripped fruits. They have a nicely decorated garden with flower pots. I went to the pre-school area and It took me to a wonderful childhood. There were swings, slides, and seesaw. Due to pandemic all schools and preschools are still closed. Because of that, the pre-school area was weedy. But it will fill with little kids soon.

After spending about 1.30 hour we returned back. While returning I saw something beautiful and it is something, I should share with you.

This is a culvert under an expressway. The walls have decorated with beautiful paintings. After the last presidential election in January, a new trend started to remove all posters in walls and draw paintings. In the early days most of the public walls were filled with posters in my country. But now most of them are decorated with beautiful paintings.

My mother is a teacher. Her school is on the way to our route. So, she and I get in to the school to see the current situation as school is closed for the last 3 months. It is a small school and about 200 students learn in grade 1 to 5. It is a government school. In Sri Lanka government education is completely free.

The school was weedy but flowers and herbal plants are well grown. I saw even comb webs in classrooms. The premises should clean well before starting school. We took about 10 min to quickly visit the school.

Then we directly came back home. It was about 5.00 p.m. The electricity came back by 5.30 p.m. So I was able to charge my laptop and mobile phone.


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