THE DIARY GAME - 29TH JUNE, 2020: THE DAY IS BRIGHT. My first post on whalepower community.

in whalepower4 years ago

I had to suit up last night to bed cause it was cold but this morning the sun is out and everywhere is warm and bright.


My day started well and i had lots of joy to begin my day and a happy face just because the weather was bright. I did all my usual morning routine from washing to cleaning bathing and eating . I set out to pick up my pastors two sons Dani and Emma


i took a picture of me and Dani while Emma ran away from me and clinged to my mum instead. I had a few thing set out as my activity for the day i was going to visit the tailors shop, the cyber cafe to do some paper work and a little book work and then phone work but i didn't do all. My mum went out while i was home home with the kids and she later sent for me and i joined her at an empowerment registration center and i left Dani and Emma with my younger brother.


We spent a lot of time at the empowerment center it was really stressful .


We were briefed and then given forms to fill


By the time i got home i had to reschedule another time to visit the tailor and the cyber cafe. I completed the book i was reading WALKING WITH GOD BY PEACE IB and then i moved over to my phone work where i designed different styles of flyers for our champions youth and singles upcoming programme these are my first designs



😀 It was really fun making them i felt really happy when i finished. And when it was evening i had to take Dani and Emma home and Emma finally smiled

A big thanks to @greatness96 for informing me about the diary game. I LOVE IT and in all i enjoyed my day i hope u enjoyed yours too. 😉


Congratulations for making it here.
Welcome to the game.

Bienvenida princesstj. Felicidades.

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