My New Diary, Thursday, 11 June 2020

in whalepower4 years ago


Today there are many things happened. There are happy stories, and sad ones. Today, the weather is a bit cloudy, and I wake up faster than yesterday, because today I have to go to school. I wake up at 5 in the morning, then prepare breakfast for my family. After washing the dirty dishes, I sweep and mop the living room. So that when my children wake up, the floor is clean and neat.

At 6:30 in the morning, I woke the children up and told them to take a shower. After breakfast, I let them watch their favorite shows on YouTube, called the Beti Family. They really like this film series, because there are many funny scenes.

Before bathing, I put all my dirty clothes into the washing machine, so that when I get home from school, I can hang the clothes in the sun. After bathing, I get ready to go to school. At 8 am, I went to school. The atmosphere is still quiet, because it is still morning and a little cloudy. And this is the road that I walk every day. I am alone, nobody passes by.


At 8. 15 in the morning, i arrived at school, I immediately headed to the teacher's office. Only a few teachers have arrived. While waiting for the arrival of students who want to return the answer sheet, which I shared 2 days ago, I prepare student attendance, and save the data to the laptop.



Shortly thereafter, my students began to arrive. Today, they must return the exam questions they have completed at home.I was a little difficult to separate all the answer sheets that already exist, so I asked my students to arrange all the answer sheets, so that I could submit it to the teacher who taught in my class.



While waiting for the children to finish drawing up the answer sheet, one of my friends called me and told us that our friend had an accident. Very bad accident. So I and several other teachers, immediately went to the location of the accident. The distance is not too far from my school, only about 8 minutes.


Arriving at the place, I saw a very horrible sight. My friend, Mr. Edi, is lying on the road, with the condition of one leg crushed by a truck. Mr. Edi is also a teacher at the same school as me. And two days ago, we still met and laughed together. But who would have thought, today he was in a very worrying condition.

We feel very sad to see the condition like this. Moreover we could not deliver him to the hospital, and could only see from a far, when an ambulance came, and took him to the nearest hospital. Shortly after the ambulance left, my friends and I returned to school. We were still in shock, and felt very scared. We are afraid, Mr. Edi, cannot be saved. We all can only pray that he is safe, and can do his activities as usual.


Do not want to grieve for long, I immediately took my students to the school library, so they could return all the books they had borrowed and complete school administration. The library is crowded by students who are crammed into it. Because all students want to go home soon. Only ten minutes, the time we need to complete all things related to the library.


At 12:30 noon, I decided to go home. Previously I stopped at a shop that sells "Hijab". I want to buy some Hijab, as a gift for my children's teachers, who have taken pains to teach my children while they are at school. And after looking around, I decided to buy 3 pieces of Hijab. The hijab is good, and not too expensive. The price of one Hijab is only 35 thousand rupiah, so I spent about 100,000 rupiah for these 3 pieces of Hijab. I got a 5 thousand rupiah discount.
The seller is very nice, right? 😃😃😃😃


After paying, I go home. Because I still remember the accident that happened to Mr. Edi, I did not dare to drive at high speed. As a result, I arrived home longer than usual. Usually, 15 minutes distance from school to my house, now, I need 30 minutes.

At 1.45 in the afternoon, I arrived home. I'm too tired to cook. So I asked my husband to buy lunch outside. After cleaning up, we had lunch together. And after that, I rested for a while. Today is really tiring day. Tired of body and soul. And I don't have the energy to accompany my children to play.

At 5 pm, I prepare food for dinner. Just a simple dish, saute fish, and saute vegetables. This is Japanese Pumpkin, which I sauteed with shallots, garlic, green chillies, tomatoes and ginger. It's not like a kind of food in a restaurant, but my husband loved it.


Before having dinner, I peel yellow watermelons. We call it watermelon honey. It tastes sweeter than red watermelon. We all love it. As I said before, my husband can't eat before eating fresh fruit. So this is our fruit for today.


At 8 pm, we finished dinner. After listening to all of our children's stories about all the things they did today, I told them to wash their hands and feet before going to bed. And before I go to sleep, I take the time to make a post about my activities today.

So here's my diary today. I hope you like my diary. Good night. Have a sweet dream all of my steemian friend. And thank you so much for visiting my post.


Ceritanya berubah jadi seram, ketika pak Edi mengalami kecelakaan. Dan kepala saya langsung pusing, saat melihat kondisi pak Edi, yang seharusnya
di sensor.

Semoga pak Edi dalam keadaan sehat dan tabah dalam menjalani msibah ini

Thank you for taking part in The Diary Game on Steem.

Very sorry to hear about your friend Mr Edi.

The Steemit Team

May ALLAH heal him quickly.

So sad to remember, cause he has passed away several days ago.

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