How much does my shopping cost?

in whalepower4 years ago


Today I went shopping for shoes at Suzuya Lhokseumawe. Incidentally my shoes are already broken so I have to buy it for my daily wear. I want to buy it in Suzuya because there are many items available and the place is very convenient for shopping. I also like because this place also plays music. So we can shop while listening to music. Besides that we will not feel the excitement of shopping here because the entire room uses air conditioning

Hari ini saya pergi berbelanja sepatu di Suzuya Lhokseumawe. Kebetulan sepatu saya sudah rusak jadi saya harus membelinya untuk saya pakai sehari-hari. Saya ingin membelinya di Suzuya karena disana banyak tersedia barang dan tempatnya sangat nyaman untuk berbelanja. Saya juga menyukai karena di tempat ini juga memutar musik . Jadi kita bisa berbelanja sambil mendengar musik. Disamping itu kita tidak akan merasa kegerahan berbelanja disini karena seluruh ruangan memakai Air conditional.


After circling looking for a suitable model, finally I found a pair of shoes that I think are very beautiful and suitable for working. I chose homypeed brand shoes because they are famous for being comfortable and strong when we wear them.

Setelah berputar-putar mencari model yang cocok akhirnya saya menemukan sepasang sepatu yang menurut saya sangat cantik dan cocok dipakai untuk bekerja. Saya memilih sepatu merek homypeed karena sepatu merek tersebut terkenal nyaman dan kuat ketika kita memakainya.


I chose black shoes because the color is neutral and can be used for all colors of clothes that we wear. Because my feet are small so I choose shoes number 36 .

Saya memilih sepatu warna hitam karena warna tersebut bersifat netral dan dapat dipakai untuk semua warna baju yang kita kenakan. Karena kaki saya kecil maka saya memilih sepatu no 36.


The price of these shoes is 290 thousand rupiah. If calculated at today's dollar exchange rate is $ 20. That's all my posts today, hopefully useful and best regards .

Harga sepatu tersebut adalah 290 ribu rupiah. Jika dihitung dengan harga kurs dollar hari ini adalah $20. Sekian postingan saya hari ini semoga bermanfaat dan salam.


Hi @elianaelisma,
How are you doing?
I enjoyed reading about your shopping experience for shoes, and I appreciate your choice of color. I too choose dark colors for shoes, because I prefer to not look flashy and draw attention.

Have a nice day miss.

I am good, Jake.. Thank u. I hope u also good. Yes you r right. I prefer black color because it will be netral color. Thank u 4 ur comment, Jake. Have a nice day.

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