Meditation techniques.

in whalepower4 years ago

Meditation techniques.

Now I am going to cite some completely simple recommendations to do, this does not mean that I am an expert because there may be someone with more years of experience, but the only thing that I have always tried to achieve with each publication, is to see a different way of living, to have a full life full of positive achievements, and to make our mind more capable of achieving things that we thought we could not achieve before.


First of all:

Sit down. Relax. Imagine a simple design figure, like a circle around a cross or some other easily linked symbol. Visualize it during the whole practice period, without thinking about what it symbolizes.

The design should remain simple. Do not complicate it, unbalance it or disintegrate it. It is preferable that it be within a circular shape and have a well-defined center. Use the same symbol each time.

Sit down. Relax. Put one hand in front of you, so that you can look at your thumbnail with your eyes lowered. Without forcing your eyes, and with your eyes and eyelids relaxed, keep your gaze fixed on the thumbnail.

Notice the movement of your breath and your abdomen. Throughout the exercise, pay attention to your breathing and observe your thumbnail. Do not think about the thumbnail, just observe it carefully, as if it were the most interesting thing you have ever seen.

Sit down. Relax. Count the breaths, each breath in and out, as one to ten, and then start again at one and count again to ten. Repeat for the duration of the practice time. When you lose count, start over. Do not try to control your breathing in any way.

Sit down. Relax. Explain that you are going to relax mentally and let your mind wander, without thinking about anything in particular. Let thoughts form and fade away, without analyzing or controlling them, as if they were bubbles that spring from the depths, going wherever they want. Observe only their coming and going.

At the end of the practice time, you can review those thoughts, and analyze if any give you a deeper insight into your attitudes and or behavior patterns, but do not think about that while you practice.

Sit down. Relax. Choose a color such as green, blue, or blue-violet. Think of a sphere of that color and visualize it while practicing. Do not choose an active or energetic color, such as red, yellow, or orange.

Different colors, like different sounds, influence your system differently. Follow your intuition to choose the color that suits you best.

Sit down. Relax. Be aware of your breathing. Notice the breathing in and the breathing out. Then notice when you change your breathing from inhaling to exhaling, and vice versa. Pay attention to these changes. Do not lengthen them or try to accentuate or control them, just be aware of them. Count those changes to ten, then start the count again. Repeat during the meditation period.

Alternative: When you want to complicate this exercise a little, do not count. Limit yourself to noticing the changes in the breath and keep your mind completely focused on that.

The first version is suitable for beginners, the second for those with some experience.

Sit down. Relax. Choose a two or three syllable sound that has no meaning, that you like the way it sounds. Use the same sound each time. Repeat it over and over again, either loudly or quietly, or alternately.

If you do it aloud, let the sound rise from your lower abdomen.

Different sounds affect us in different and complex ways. Follow your intuition to select the sounds you would like to create in your system.

Sit down. Relax. Pay attention to your breathing. Pay attention to the sensation of breathing in and out. Notice the continuity and closeness with which you can observe and feel your breath. Pay attention to the movement of the air as it passes through your nose, throat and lungs: to the oscillations in your chest and abdomen as you breathe. Concentrate fully on your breathing. Do not modify or control it, just observe it.

In my next publication I will add some more interesting recommendations.

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