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RE: Playing With Food... Grown Up Style!

in whalepower4 years ago

I'm in my 2nd month of lockdown. I have cleaned half of my closet, donated a huge bad of clothes to charity and the rest went to recycling, arranged my drawers, got rid of old stuff I don't even use, learned how to make food I usually buy in restaurants... When are we gonna go back to normal? This qurantine sucks! Also, next time the gov announce a lockdown I will get a bf to make things less bored ahahaha


About the bf idea: I think lockdown will drive you apart very damn fast and then you are stuck with each other....
They might ease our lockdown a little within a week if infections stay low but I somehow doubt I'll be going back to work anytime soon. It's difficult: I work night shift and retail will be dead. Then there's also the situation of working in a place where 0 provisions have or will be made for hand sanitiser, etc....

That's not good at all. All this situation is frustrating, going to buy food takes ages and all the disinfecting, the masks and gloves shit... Now here if you dont wear mask the police will give you fines up to $500!

Still want that bf for next lockdown, even the fights will be entertaining ahahaha.... Quarantine sucks! Take care of yourself and the mishus! 🐈

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